Sunday, August 23, 2015

Me And Facebook

Once again I have been thrown off facebook for typing the word nigger. Amy white had informed me - on facebook - that she had been banned for a month. I said "whatdja do, write the word nigger?" Facebook then informed me that I was banned for a month for writing nigger. Which of course they can do, Facebook is their property and they can kick anyone out for any reason. It's not like I pay to be there. Hahahahaha, that's funny just writing it. The idea that I would do that. Pay to be on facebook. I should be getting paid to be on facebook, I am by far the most fascinating entity there. How Amy had informed me via facebook that she was off facebook.....this is still kind of a puzzle in my head. But i took the opportunity to get myself thrown off by asking her what I did. I of course knew the consequences, and I need 30 days away from facebook to focus on my personal relationship with Trump. Do you have a personal relationship with Donald Trump? I am trying to establish one. Because my one unobtainable wish in life that I cannot do on my own without trespassing is to stand on the roof of the Trump building in Las Vegas in the evening while smoking a cigar. To do this I might have to become an advisor to the President. He might let me up there if I am telling him how to handle different global situations. Now you might say, and this would be the first thing to pop into your head "I think he seems to know how to handle situations." To this I would say I think he might be a bit unsure about a few things, a few rarified philosophical and theological and cultural areas in which I am a self-proclaimed expert par exelahnsss. That's french. I get around, motherfucker, I have a degree of  class, goddamn fuckin' A.
     Getting back to facebook. And the word nigger. It will be a cold day in hell before JJ Solari is forbidden to write a particular word. Writing words is all I know how to do except for a few remarkable tap steps. How the word nigger became fucking sacrosanct...well, that's happening in a universe that I am happy to take a shit in as often as possible. And keep in mind that the only reason this blog exists is because the nigger obama was elected fucking president. when he is gone and trump is in I will likely stop this blog, assuming the nigger obama basically disappears from public life. I might even stop using the word nigger. Because he is the reason I started using it at all in public discourse. I have used it in fiction when spoken by a "character." but very rarely. I think I did it once in a story about a nigger. It was a rare event, I don't write fiction about niggers, just white people. Usually bikers. That's sort of my fiction arena.
     So anyway I was kicked off again. with the notation that "you seem to do this a lot." I can still SEE facebook because they would not want me to miss the ads. I can monitor the site and my "page." and everyone else's page. but i cannot comment.
     Like I say i did this on purpose. i need a month off from that heinous drug. I mostly use it as a notebook anyway. I jot down my social and philosophical and comedic insights so that i dont have to use paper. PLUS the world gets to see them. even when i am banned.
    now, about the word nigger. only white people have a problem with this. whitey is of course in retreat. whitey is weak. but this whitey right here is not weak. he keeps writing nigger. solely because it is a forbidden word. because it is so hard-hitting. it undoes decades of propaganda that niggers are
"normal people." well, they are normal people on the veldt. But they are far from normal in an industrial Western civilization. And they refuse or are incapable of adapting. Like the Navajo. they should be on reservations. Really. On a reservation they would have nothing but dirt, which is all they aspire to: living in the dirt. But they want to wreck White World first. So that they won't have any competition in the dirt or any thing to aspire to. If whitey is gone they can relax in their own insistent primitive lifestyle where dancing, killing and raping are the accepted norm. the word "nigger" presents this entire Negro Universe in its entire disgusting horror. And since niggers are the "proletariat" that will never advance past that lowly stage, it is necessary for the political universe - the universe of compulsion - to keep them around. In fact the latest "we need niggers" slogan is "black lives matter." No one ever explains why. Why do they matter? No one has one reason. Not one all negro country is civilized. Even though they all now have constitutions. which are supposed to be civilizing agents. apparently this is not the case. every negro nation is devoid of light, water, roads, shelter, commerce, industry, and business suits. All they have is squalor and body counts. because this is all niggers are comfortable with. and using the word "nigger" brings all this truth and reality immediately to mind. why blame me that niggers are niggers? i didnt do this to them. they're self-starters in niggerness. i just type a word.
     like i say i dont have a problem with facebook having an anti-nigger rule. that's fine. but it hasnt retrained me out of my naughtiness. it's just made it worse. now i say nigger even though i dont actually need to say it or want to. i just do it to keep my hand in. because i am a writer. i am THE writer. and i use words. all of them. no words are off limits. not even nigger. thank you.


At September 29, 2015 at 9:59 PM , Blogger Cynthia said...

Love you and Amy both. Thank you for speaking your minds and helping promote freedom of speech. Facebook allows hatred speeches from every race and religious sect except from white Christian Anglo Americans...kinda has you wondering..keep up your good have my support!

At September 29, 2015 at 10:00 PM , Blogger Cynthia said...

Love you and Amy both. Thank you for speaking your minds and helping promote freedom of speech. Facebook allows hatred speeches from every race and religious sect except from white Christian Anglo Americans...kinda has you wondering..keep up your good have my support!


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