Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Nigger In Chief's Call To Nigger Arms

Today the nigger in chief spoke to something called the Black Caucus. This i think is nigger elected officials in America. and there are a lot of those. most of them elected by white people. go figure that out if you're einstein. So he told all these niggers to go back to their wherever they come from and tell all the niggers in the towns to vote nigger stuff. Cause Whitey is on the way in the manner of the tea party, and the niggers need to resist this. Now the fact that he has the balls to make this blatantly racist - and i have no problem with racism - move means that he is getting worried he is going to lose his job. which is what this is really all about: him being emperor of earth. Which he actually thinks he is. At least until the occasional real emperor somewhere treats him like a stupid nigger, which sometimes happens, and he ges all quiet because that is something he is certainly used to. Now he has enough brains in his idiot head to know that these niggers he is sending into the streets to rally other niggers, they are going to scew the message into one of violence. Because obama ia a trained and dedicated Marxist from the 1914 days and this is how he thinks that His Kind Of World will come about. It is interestingly similar, Marxism, to Islamic philosophy. So Obama is telling niggers and niggers only to do this and to do that, and whitey meanwhile is doing everything HE can to not appear racially motivated about anything at all, even bake sales and church bazars and lawrence welk. "No, we are not white. We are transparent. almost invisible. dont look at us we want to hide from you." Even Hitler would have a tough time motivating the current slopyard of white americans that are roaming around now. They are that listless and dull. And fair to say frightened. "Oh dear, dont ask us to actually confront anything. Why cant everything nust be pleasant and nice? it was after the smoke cleared at the world trade center site. just let it go. c'mon, let's have tea." Maybe we just deserve to be rolled over and let the savages and dirt dwellers have it all back.kind of like Ok, The End.


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