Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Answer To The Problem For Free

If all laws were not all bad laws there would be no need for cops to enforce them. This is called simple logical reasoning. Something the state school systems insist does not exist. This is why most of you who actually completed school cannot understand anything. Now then, let us continue the class for those of you who got this far: it is not necessary to dissolve the laws or change the laws or make new laws to make a just and fair and honest and progressive society. It is only necessary to dissolve law enforcement!! Or in other words, the cops. And then the rest of it will all go away overnight. Like a very very bad dream. Ok kids, you now know everything. there's no homework. you can all go home. billy? you can stay. want to see my etchings? You see, Billy, it's like this - people often become afraid when you tell them this lesson. Just like they once became afraid when you told them the earth was round. And went around the sun. And was not supported by elephants. Same sorta deal here. People are monkeys. And easily frightened. You have to calm them. Tell them the truth quietly. Slowly. Like you would talk to an excited moron with a nitroglycerine bottle in each hand. Want to see my penis?


At August 22, 2010 at 1:40 AM , Blogger jj solari said...

me luv chinee peepoe HAHAHAHA make me hapee me sing song ha ha ok joe.

At August 22, 2010 at 1:40 AM , Blogger jj solari said...

me luv chinee peepoe HAHAHAHA make me hapee me sing song ha ha ok joe.

At August 22, 2010 at 1:40 AM , Blogger jj solari said...

me luv chinee peepoe HAHAHAHA make me hapee me sing song ha ha ok joe.


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