Friday, January 15, 2010

Cunt Napolitano Grants Citizenship To Illegal Haitian Motherfuckers

That super ugly cunt faced troglodite Janet Napolitano who runs some bogus government something or other, homeland muslim protection i think it is, has granted "legal status" to illegal Haitians here in the US. That means they are now citizens. The Mexicans will be next. This is just a trial balloon to see if people get upset. Naturally they won't because oh dear the poor Haitians. You mean oh dear the poor white Americans. We're the ones who are gonna haffta pay for all this bullshit aid to Haiti and citizenship to every fuck who washes ashore. That broad's as ugly as Obama is queer. And that's pretty goddamn ugly. This fucking big fat oversized suetball cunt thinks she's the fucking Supreme Court. She just goes around declaring things like the nigger in chief does. I'm surprised she ain't taking the two first nigger-kids to the dentist to have their 3,000 teeth cleaned instead of Michelle, I mean, she is just that important. She'll declare the Haitians still on the island citizens of the US too. Why not? Why should distance make fucking difference, bitch? Declare the fucking hemorrhoids of the moon citizens of the US too. Fucking idiot fucking nigger-selected piece of shit goddamn fat assed stench-pussied white niggerlady idiot.


At January 15, 2010 at 7:12 PM , Blogger nobody said...

I've personally donated 1000 copies of the Rose Parade to the Haiti relief fund.

At January 15, 2010 at 11:46 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

we were having a pool party here when the quake hit and the caterer was haitian and heard his whole family was killed and cancelelled our party. the guests were pissed. our party was ruined.

At January 16, 2010 at 9:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they can use them they can have our old shovels that are just lying around in our garage. We'll gladly donate them for their cause.

At January 16, 2010 at 1:26 PM , Blogger Bob Frapples said...

Does this mean we have another state to finance? Is Haiti split in two, now? Does the rotting flesh of all these dead people attribute to global warming? These are serious questions, and I want answers...NOW!

At January 16, 2010 at 4:41 PM , Blogger Backwater said...

Load the dead and extras on a garbage scow, take it out in the bay and dump it. The sharks are endangered thus feeding them, and the bodies are gone. Two situations (new speak for problems) are handled. American thinking is what made us great.

At January 17, 2010 at 1:39 AM , Blogger jj solari said...

debone the dead haitians and use them as wetsuits.


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