Monday, September 21, 2009

Kicking Washington DC Out Of The Union

The United States of America does not make allowances for Washington DC in its title. That is because Washington DC is not a State. It is basically a foreign government on American shores. It really has no business being here. It needs to be dissolved. It is basically a cancer on the Country. If Washington DC is NOT eliminated from America, the 50 States soon will be. Unfortunately most State politicians are more loyal to Washington DC than they are to the United States of America. What exactly IS WAshington DC. It is the District of Columbia. Columbia is a country in South America. And Washington DC is apparently a Columbian embassy. And even that is inappropriate becaause the District of Columbia is financed by the United Arab Emirates. So it should be called the District of Islamia. And it needs to go. It's not a State. The problem with the Civil War is that only some of the States wanted to be free of the District of Columbia. Lincoln, the stupidest man ever born, decided, no, that's a bad idea. Well, it was certainly a bad idea for Washington, they would have lost a lot of tax revenue. We need another cecessionist movement only this time with everyone on board. And frankly I don't see why we even need to ceceed from the District of Columbia, just have one of the bordering States annex it and turn all those ugly fat semi Greek, partially Roman museum buildings into Walmarts.


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