Saturday, September 19, 2009

Muslims Come To Gather With Congress

Sometime this month the Muslims will gather in front of the Muslim mosque on Capitol Hill (that would be the Capitol Building) for a prayer session. Now, the Senators and Congressmen made a point of not going out to meet the White American Christians on Sept. 12 but I THINK IT'S A PAH-RITTY GOOD BEH-TTTT that they will be falling all over themselves to grovel before their Islamic masters on The Most Holy Day Of Allah Boyfucker Akbar Sandnigger Diety Most High. The two most heinous groups on earth, Islam and Congress will be united in a formal day of marriage. Now the nigger in chief disallowed a flyover for God and Country Day but it's a pretty good bet there will be one on this occasion. Hopefully all the planes will have full armament loads and hopefully will do a good job of using them. It would solve a LOT of problems in a very quick time. Like as though we need Islam or Congress.


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