Saturday, February 7, 2009

Resigning From The Government

If the New Nigger really wants change, here's an idea for change for the fucker. If he really wants change. He ought to make it ok for people to resign from the government. To de-citizenize themselves. And become like the Mexicans in this Country. Except unlike the Mexicans, when you de-citizenize you do WITHOUT government assistance and services. You just do without all government services that you are paying for with your taxes. Because 99% of the things you are paying for with your taxes, someone else is using anyway. You ain't even using the shit you're being billed for. You ain't even using what you're paying for. Like for instance the "educational" system. I'm guessin' that if you're reading this you probly aint in school. In fact you're probly in jail. But if you decitizenised you could just leave jail. Because that's another government service you probably can easily do without. You should just be able to quit the country like you quit a job. Except when you quit a job you stop getting paid. When you quit your country you stop getting CHUMPED. The protection crew stops coming around. The shakedowns stop. You end up with MORE money when you leave the government protection program. Because the government is sort of an employer in reverse. You pay him. Not the other way around. Hard to believe anyone at all really likes government. Considering what you get for your money that you don't want to pay. If the government was a store you probably wouldn't go in it. HAHAHAHA The government store; you go in, hand the cashier some money and then go out!! That's the government supermarket! HAHAHAHAHA. Fuck you.


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