Friday, February 6, 2009

New Nigger Cartoons

HAHA someone sent me - yeah, guess who it was - someone sent me some EXTREMELY racist nigger shit. It's pretty good. Most o' these items I don't seem to have a contrary response to that I can think of. The cartoons are signed but they are signed "A. Wyatt Mann." A white man. As all of you trillions of visitors here know, I don't have a lot of patience with people who name-call - especially using the words nigger and Jew and spic and all the other things I personally do...I'm basically a name-caller...and who don't use their real identities. Saying nigger and then using a fake name. It's weak. Real weak. A lotta white racists are like that. Verbal terrorists: that is, they run around throwing shit with a mask on their face. Real niggers and commie and Muslims do that So while A. Wyatt Mann is pretty funny - he's a douche.


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