Friday, February 6, 2009

A Posting Potpourieeeee!!! YAAAAY!

I have made preliminary notes for this blog thing that i have stored in an electrronic storage bin. But I don't feel like fixing them or even reading them in the bin. I am way to busy and important to be wasting my time with me. So I am making a Super Posting of them. I'll fix them when I feel like it. It will be more likely to happen here in public than in the electronic storage locker. For you writing students you can look in from time to time at this Super Posting and watch it become proofread. And that will be fun for you.And besides; you're not even really there. Only I am here. So fuck you. Thank you.

Notes for blog

Supermarkets really are in need of a massive emergency makeover. I think one hundred and fifty years of the same dreary monotony is enough. They could start the process by doing something about the “entertainment” that comes out of the ceiling. A simple improvement – simple enough even for a supermarket executive to get his paltry brain around - would be to play sound effects from out of the ceiling instead of music designed to drive you into the farthest hell of the most damned souls being eternally tortured by the fiery demon overlords of the Primeval Angelic Rebellion. However, getting a new idea, no matter how sensible, into the head of a supermarket executive, is pretty close to impossible unless you are their boss and order them to learn it. Then they might. Maybe. Supermarkets chains – and supermarkets in general – and MOST things in general – but supermarkets in particular - are pretty resistant to anything different, especially if it is also better. And so it is that when you go into Safeway you get to hear the worst possible song available because, as I mentioned in another posting, the less musical you are, the higher up the food chain of corporate/government you go. Look at Obama. A perfect example. And he's a nigger. And can't dance, sing or keep time to music. It just ain't in there. He's a freak among freaks. AND he's gay. Ten million years ago someone created Muzac and sold the Idea to elevator companies. Some non musical dunce high up in a corporation decided that elevator music would be great in supermarkets. This was fine for ten million more years until Walmart decided that RUNNING ADS FOR WALMART INSIDE THEIR STORES FOR PEOPLE ALREADY INSIDE THEIR STORES AND ALREADY SHOPPING AT WALMART RIGHT THAT SECOND would be a FANTASTIC idea. The thinking, I guess, being “now that we have everyone shopping here, how can we get them to STOP shopping here??? Anybody?…..” Regardless of the reason, when Walmart does something supermarkets do it soon after, and preferably immediately after, because supermarkets, thinking that they are competing with Walmart rather than with each other, do whatever Walmart does and as soon as possible after Walmart starts doing it. To date nobody – not even the innovative superminds at Walmart - seems to have had the brilliant idea that sound effects inside a store would be far superior to shitty songs inside a store. ( Of course it would be FAR too huge a leap of intellect for a corporate executive to be able to choose GOOD music for a store. But, in order to give them even less credit than I am giving them already, for a corporate food executive to decide that birds chirping, peals of thunder, sounds of running flowing water, or any other frog or cricket-like soothing aural presence would be a good thing, why, there is not a corporate executive in America-The-Socialized anywhere near smart or sharp enough to to ever realize that these would be sounds people would ENJOY listening to while inside the store; putting the customers in a GOOD mood and making them GLAD they showed up to spend their hard food-couponed money. This would be far far too much of a leap in an INTERESTING direction for a food executive to ever be able to get on board with. He would need HELP getting on board. Like a cripple. He would need three or four people on each arm to get him on board because, one, he would be too stupid to get on board himself, and two, he would be too fat, and three, he would be too drunk. He would also be too self absorbed to know the train was there. But it’s not just food executives who are dullards because, if you look out your window right now you will see that there is NOTHING going on even remotely interesting anywhere. So it’s not just them. It’s also partly you. You are probly very likely a part of the problem also, never once having had an interesting idea yourself, most likely. Having just been called a name by a stranger you might be asking yourself “Why would Walmart run bird sounds instead of annoying ads?” And that would be a sensible question. You have surprised me. I have to admit. And you are right. Walmart never would stop running ads for itself in its stores because Walmart is too deep into the deliriously happy throes of avarice to ever consider doing away with an opportunity to torture their customers. Walmart is of course a greed merchant. Walmart wants its customers to be as caught up in Accumulation For Its Own Sake as they are. We go into Walmart because we THINK everything is in there. We see ten billion illegal Mexicans and a million billion bug-eyed Negroes going in there and we think, “I need to go in there too.” But you don’t. You need to get on with your life and make something of yourself, Mr. White Man. You don’t need to go to Walmart. You ever see the return line at Walmart? It’s not because it was the wrong color. It’s because it broke. Do the right thing. Shop at Costco. I don’t think they have ANYTHING coming out of the ceiling there. It could be they want you to focus on getting what you need at a more than fair price and getting out and going home and using it. In fact I think having pleasant sound effects AT Costco would be a bad idea; the customers would NEVER leave. Costco is already pleasant enough.

I love these redneck fucks that say they'll never give up their guns and their cold dead hands will hold onto them and you'll have to pry them out..... my cold dead hands my ass. More likely they'll have to pry the pink dildo out of your cold dead hands and the black Obama-replica teeny nigger cock out of your cold dead ass. You’ll turn your guns in in or get killed in a shootout with whatever brand of idiot police obama creates. Not that the idiot cops now in existence can't get the job done o' course. You'll buckle when the cops come aknocking at your door for your guns because cops are American and you're a good citizen. Yeah: they're American until their boss tells them to become Anti American. 'Cause I don't know if you're aware of this but cops pretty much do what they're told. Cause they're pretty stupid and NEED to be told what to do.

What kind of creature was Bosco anyway. Afly? A dog? A raccoon? A vole? Anyone? Anyone know what the fuck he or it was? A nigger critter of some sort? Like, say, a dog nigger?

I went to the bonito lava flow. And it was just a small lava flow. And it was fucking huge. It makes it clear once you see it that Man can no more affect the earth than ducks can. And if you say the trees are delicate, the “tree-making lava flow” is every bit as powerful in the realm of the living as lava flows are in the land of the inanimate. The "tree-making lava flow" is the "lava flow" of life that creates trees. It's every bit as unstoppable as a regular rock lava flow. It’s a force of nature of a different variety but not of a different weakness. It is as strong a flow as the ordinary lava flow, this "flow of life" flow on this planet. Because life functions here. Real much. A very lot. It cant be stopped. Its all part of the many-faceted Earth Engine. Its bigger than us. We cant control it. We cant affect it. We cant influence it. We cant “save” it. It is ready to annihilate us at its whim. Conditions that we are helpless to influence are what influence the earth and the environment and the planet and the global village of idiots that we call earth. Only the unwise who have no, what is called “fear of the Lord,” think that Man is, as a species, something wonderful. Man is a loser. Some men rise above other men. And of course are quickly pulled down. But Man is nothing. He is a monkey with a focus mainly on fucking and stealing and – when in an especially enthusiastic mood - , killing other humans. He is not an “earth influencer.” On any level. Except to feed bugs and grass when he dies. Thank you. Fuck you.

Sarah Palin brought more demons out into the open I think than even Jesus did. I aint sayin she was holier. I’m just sayin that there’s more people now. Demons have more hosts. To anyone with what is called “the discerning of spirits” – like myself of course – this was a phenomenon that almost slacked the jaw and tightened the sphincter simultaneously. I dropped casual acquaintances I had had for years, I dropped them like molten radium when I saw them go into red-faced rages of maniacal wrath just at the mention of her name. If a demon is well entrenched in someone and comfortable with things they let the person operate in a natural manner, but if something provokes the thing it comes to the surface and takes over for as long as necessary until the job it wants done is done. And one thing demons are good at is getting the job done. Then they go back into rest and comfort. The good thing for me – if it is a good thing – is that it is when they are right there in plain sight and doing their thing that I can see them and ascertain my own position: the position being, am I safe here? …or do I need to flee: or do I need to instead remain and kill. Pretty primal stuff, no? Sure it is. What isn’t. What is it about this woman that brought these ninth dimensional creatures out of their coils within the quantum recesses of the souls of their hosts at the sight and sound and mention and presence of Sarah Palin? It was her kindness to fetuses: her recogniotion of their innocence. Demons hate conceived humans. Demon-savvy as I am, I am not sure why. On the other hand I’m not really that interested why. It’s enough that I know they hate embyos and fetus and infants. Oh, and everyone else too!! It’s not just babies!! But demons have a particular fondness for seeing unborns and newbors die. Preferably by torture if possible. It’s just something they like. Hey, look at me, I like Denali Brand moose tracks ice cream. It’s the same kinda thing. And Dreyers malted swiss chocolate? Probably the best ice cream in history. Fuckers discontinued it. I haven’t had anything to do with those motherfuckers since. Oh, dear, where was I. I swear, everytime I start talking about demons I go off on a tangent about ice cream. I declare.

Sarah Palin was a true leader. Probly another reason the demons feared her and went into action activating their hosts into wrath and pronouncements of fury and warning. A leader is someone everyone else is prepared to rally around if he falters or blunders. The democrats immediately recognized this because the democratic party is now in total league with demonic forces. The democratic party rallies around its leader Lucifer. Who will eventually manifest himself as a human for them in a ridicuilous imitation of the Incarnation of Jesus. Because Lucifer never had an original idea in his billion millennium history. He’s the worst thing a child can call another child. A copy cat Or in other words, Islam. If she had told all the journalist that she, for some insane reason decided to talk to, to go fuck themselves every time they asked her a question she would have become – like the bonita lava flow – a force of nature unstoppable. But nobody has the balls to talk to the press like the perverted Jew bastard atheist fags - and REALLY SHITTY WRITERS - they all are.

The recliner at the super 8 Motel in Soccorro could not be moved at all. I wanted to move it and it could not be slid across the carpet. There was a carpet on the floor. Carpet is cloth. The floor had cloth on it. I walked on cloth the whole time I was in there. Shoes; no shoes…I walked on cloth. Furniture is prehistoric in most aspects, and surreal in all the others. Prehistoric or surreal. One or the other. A fine combination for modern man. Furniture will never be changed. Because of women. Women DREAM of furniture from childhood. From childhood men dream of the pussy and tits of the girls in school. Girls, however, dream of furniture. However furniture cannot be moved. That’s why it is essential that they land a husband. To move all the furniture that she will need to have. A husband is basically a piece to be fitted into the dollhouse that she creates as an adult rather than just plays with as a child. He’s basically another piece of furniture. The furniture Moving thing. There is no name assigned to the object yet, I don’t think. If there is, men don’t know it. Probably all the women do though.

Andy Warhol said he never went to the country very often because he liked the city. He said in the cities they have parks so that you can pretend that you are out in the country, which is where most people would rather be. But in the country they never have little "city zones" where you can go to relax, if you're like Andy Warhol was. Which nobody was. Andy Warhol was in a lot of ways not Andy Warhol either. So why make things for this person who nobody was? So anyway he said that's why he didn't go to the country because whenever he got homesick for the city he couldn't just go take a walk in the nearby city-zone to relax for a while.

people buy bottled water because the government in every city and community is in charge of “water.” Therefore it is terrible. And cannot be drunk. Water is a government service. Government takes charge of water so that everyone wont be fighting over water. So that nobody can have a monopoly on water. Because if everyone could just have water then only one person would control water. If everybody controlled water. So the government in order to prevent this calamity forces everyone to get away from weater and let the government control it. Therefore the city government takes control of water delivery. Because water is “too big a matter” to be left in the hands of private enterprise. There would be chaos if people who actually had some ability to provide water to people were in charge of providing water to people. So the government provides for it. Which is why everyone is now drinking water provided by private companies. Because it doesn’t taste like regurgitated moose puke. It’s also why people put purifiers on their faucets. So that they don’t die from drinking monkey-cunt yeast infections that's in the government water. It’s also why they have water softeners installed. So that the water doesn’t dissolve their skin. It’s a good thing the government is in charge of water. Otherwise there would be no “water that's fir to drink” industry from other sources. On the other hand if the government wasn’t in charge of water there would only be “water” for the water customers because no one in the water “business” as opposed to the water ”government monopoly” would want their customers to have water they couldn’t drink or wash with. Otherwise they’d be out of the water business. But government can get away with providing crap. Because government is in the business of No Business.

Women use all words interchangeably. All words mean all things to all women. Car also means tomorrow, office, food, and air. When this is brought to their attention because of some disaster they caused due to miscommunication they laugh and say well you know what I meant. Whereas men assume what you SAID was what you MEANT. Because men assign one definition to every word. Car is not bicycle. Food is not lawn mower. Orange is not “I hit something with the car.” Then as confusion increases and fights become more intense women say to men that they refuse to communicate. The “men are from mars and women are from venus” theory only scratched the surface. Every word in the vocabulary to a women means exactly the same thing as every other word. That is why they laugh and have a swell time talking to other women. It’s a total free-for- all of fun and a whirligig of wondrous confusion. It’s like a carnival ride. And then after ten hours of nonstop hurricane confusion they go whew! I had a great time today girls! See you tomorrow! And it all starts again. A German woman can go to Borneo and talk to a Borneo native lady and they will have a great time speaking two entirely different languages to each other. It’s even more fun that way!! Because it’s all new sounds to the both of them! Men are always accusing women of not listening. "they don't listen." Oh, they listen. they LOVE listening to words being spoken. It's just that they don't UNDERSTAND the words that are being apoken. Because they have no real meanings. women don't NEED to communicate like men do. Women aren't DOING anything. Men are all DOING something. And sometimes they need help. Say, another man. So they communicate to him and the guy comes over and helps. Men work as teams. Women dont work at all and when they do it's as individuals: one over here baking bread, one over here sewing, one over there squeezing pinapples. So they listen. It just never registers that they are supposed to react or respond or understand what is being said to them. Because when they talk to WOMEN the other women never expect a result! They just talk! Then say goodbye! Men stand there and wait for a response. Or wait for some sort of follow-through. Or wait for an acknowledgement that something was said. You'll wait till your dick grows to ten inches for that, dude.

"and you will be subject to him" is not a directive. It is a statement of fact. It is God explaining Adam and Eve's new relationship to each other. Once we became animals, that is once Adam and Eve fucked Neanderthals and created US the already in place rules of primate society kicked in. Because Adam and Eve weren't monkeys. But we are. We're halfbreed monkeys and whatever Adam and Eve WERE. However people who hate women use this prophesy as a command from God to torture women. Its not that at all. Its just that now women are in a different pecking order. Men need to eat first. Then the women. The men hunt. The women use less violent energy. The men are more necessary to the survival of the group than the women even though the women bear young. Good luck feeding you kid if you cant hunt. And women can't hunt. Men can. So women have to do what men say. Like, "Hush" and "Get back" and "Quiet" and "Stay still." Otherwise Nobody would eat. You never want to take a woman or a fag hunting. They never shut up and they make all kinds of noise. Silence annoys them. So they became automatically subjected to the men. Because the men hunt. And the hunters provided the food. Food is very important to survival. As Dennis Ousley says "If you don't eat you die."

Screaming newsmen on internet video outtakes: there's a slew of them going around on the internet lately. If they were not douchebags they wouldn’t be screaming like women when things “go wrong” in front of the cameras. Like as though what they are doing is so damn important. Newspeople are lower than flies on the earthly pecking order. They have nothing to get hissy about. But they all get hissy. Cause they're all little girls. Little bitches, really. A real man would speak quietly to the problem-individual. In private. While pressing a pistol under his chin.

Look for obama’s civilian army of Marxists and bloods and crips and weather underground black panthers to halt interstate travel for non commercial vehicles. In the name of national security of course. Bush started it but the nigger will take it to a whole nubba lebbil. All Americans will soon be isolated in their own states. To disarm them. Keep your guns and die shooting. It will be a better death than what the nigger muslims have planned for you.

Most Americans will adopt islam with no problem when they are ordered to, which will be soon. They’re all atheists anyway, They’ll just shrug and say we’ll just give lip service to Islam. That’s what most muslims do anyway. It’s a religion run by murderers and extortionists. Like, actually, a lot of religions.

Conservation is a government concept. That’s how you know its bogus. Its real purpose is to allow them to keep failing to provide the “services” they are “supposed” to provide. Nature does not conserve. Nature squanders. God's order to mankind was go fuck each other and subdue the earth. Not conserve the earth. Bring it under human control.
Government being of course a deity in and of itself has a problem with any other deities. Especially the real one. Since government fails at its job of “providing,” YOU have to be punished by conserving. This is all YOUR FAULT, you see. Government does provide one abundance. And abundancy of excuses for failing. All of them being your fault.

There are never any niggers at the Rose Parade. Except for the ones IN the Rose Parade. Now why is that? Well, the reason for that is because a nigger cannot understand, on any level, and they don't have that many, just the dancing level and the looting level, they don't understand why looking at cartoony scenes made out of flowers would be a source for any kind of enjoyement. It is “just another stupid thing that white people do” to them. You'll never see a nigger at home with the Rose Parade on his tv set. It just don't happen. They just don't get the Rose Parade. It's a total idiotic mystery to them. But to white people it's an "aesthetic day off." It's a wholesome appreciation on a grand scale of God's creation of flowers and Americans' appreciation of their Nobler side. To a nigger being Noble is not killing the whore that stiffed him his payment. If the Rose Parade was a parade of Cadillacs filled with dead whores they might show up for it.

Some city in Arizona is going to test a project for storing carbon dioxide 3000 feet down. They want to protect people from carbon dioxide. That’s a good idea for adults to be pursuing. And the taxpayers think of course this is great because government is protecting them once again by fucking them. And grown ups really like that. Especially fag grownups. All fags love government in principle. Because government fucks you in the ass. And fags like that.

Only adults and the most annoying members of the high school student body are interested in politics. The rest of us are only interested in keeping them away from ourselves. If a 10 year old talked about politics the way all adults do he would be put under 24 hour observation to find out what the fuck his problem was. But adults think it is the hallmark of wisdom and responsibility to be “involved “ in politics and to “discuss things” AS THOUGH IT REALLY MATTERED OR MADE A DIFFERENCE. Fucking losers. You are probably one of these people. You need to go away from here. This blog is not for you. this blog is for anarchists. And cheerleaders with their pussies showing.

Is there anything more difficult to watch than Greta Van Susterern's face while she talks? Lets think of some now. A yak giving birth to a ton of adult iguanas from out of its mouth? The sawing off of the head of a walrus with a butter knive? A hundred foot in diameter hemorrhoid exploding ten million gallons of yellow baby shit upward like a geyser? The drain of a pig butchery that needs cleaning? The accumulated snot in the noses of a million sick opossums? The bloated carcass of a road-killed deer at the moment of the explosion of its rotted innards against the nearby trees? The collector-hole at the bottom of the Bridalveil Falls crapper? Possibly only the face of rosie O’donnel in one of her scowls of disapproval is more repellant. Her writhing face has apparently never come up as a topic of concern with her bosses, who, since she works in TV, are probably legion. I guess they just haven’t noticed that she looks like a squid giving birth when she speaks. She must be constantly saying pretty wonderful things for no one to notice that the spasms and conniptions of her face accompanying the words are almost more than can be borne by anyone with even a marginally developed aesthetic. It’s more relaxing to watch a pyroclastic flow coming your direction than to see her face grinding itself into mush to pronounce words and articulate sentences.

Teens and children have no problem with anything at all I say or write. Only adults do. There is no way in hell I could invent a way to insult a child or teenagers or say anything offensive that did not involve some person in particular he liked and knew personally. If I said “I hate niggers” there is not a child or teenager alive who would give a shit. But you reading this probably do. Why? Because you’re a grownup. And therefore aggressivly retarded. Or in other words retarded with full intent and motivation and energy and diligence and effort. And you are probably also white. White adults are the only people who are outraged by the word nigger. They would never say such a word. Why? BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL TOO FUCKING SCARED that’s why. Unless it’s in an anonymous comment on the internet of course. What they forget is that nothing is really anonymous on the internet. So if any of you white people have ever said nigger on the net, somewhere, someone in some office can dredge up your anonymous nigger if they want and can assign your name to it. How will you ever explain it away when it comes around to haunt you? Oh, shit!!

Chocolate cake donuts with glaze are like sex: even the worst ones are really good.

I have just been told by my wife that our couch which she never sits on – is not for us: it is for guests. So I cannot get a recliner. I want to get rid of the couch and get a recliner. We don’t have room for a recliner AND a couch and the two leather chairs. And we both like the chairs. But we both hate the couch. But it has to be replaced with another couch. Because the couch is for guests. So I have been informed. The couch is not for us. It is for “guests.” Which is defined as “people who are never in the house.” People who are never there own the couch. Everyone on earth potentially has more right to use my couch than I do. Because everyone else on earth can become a “guest” in our house. Whereas I cannot become a guest in my house. The definition of “guest” is “someone other than the owner and who does not live with the owner." Because it is not for us. Its for them. I just learned this!! Marriage: it’s a process of constant new knowledge. Not about your partner. But about marriage itself. So: is this a fight I should HAVE? - this fight regarding the couch? I mean, should I "take this on" with her? Or is this a fight I should waive in favor of a bigger topic. And that's basically what mariage is all about: deciding which topic to actually stand your ground on.

Christianity is the best religion. Our god became like us. Then he died, like we will, he died so that while we are alive we can have complete liberty of behavior. Without guilt. Who would not select that religion even if there wasn’t a lick of truth in it? Even as a fable its better than any other religion. Which is how you know its probably not a fable. Only god could come up with something that foolproof. It’s the perfect religion. You don’t have to do anything. You just live your life Now, of course, this version of Christianity gets a whopping lot of criticism from the versions of Christianity that insist you have to tow this line here and keep your hands off your gonads over there and really make an effort to “do what God wants” and “really really study the bible” and in fact worship the bibLe and do everything it says and relive history and kill Goliath and part the Red Sea and cut the head of Holofernes and just foist your trainload of accumulated duties and other shit onto strangers to put them into the same miserable boat you’re in. I look at it this way: anyone who is anxious to get you to sign onto something is anxious to make you just as miserable as they are. When you find something worthwhile, you pretty much are content keeping it to yourself. So if you ever find the true version of Christianity you probly aint gonna be runnin around making converts. You’re gonna be too busy living your life and thanking God, maybe, that he gave you a brain that is operating good enough to get the drift of things and also thanking God, maybe, that he just sent a pile of porno acrtresses and highschool cheerleaders over to your house.

The Holy Bible
The Bible aint holy. Only God is holy. Everything else is a bit less than holy. Including the Bible. These Bible fucks who hang onto every fucking jot and title and try to hit you ofver the head with bible shit, there’s something seriously wrong with theswe motherfuckers. These are people who are afraid to jack off or play with their pussies or something, I dunno. The bible is a history book. Not a roadmap. It aint a formula for success. It aint a handbook to heaven. It’s a history book. You read the history, you say wow that’s pretty cool and you get on with your life. which, unless there's something wrong with you, should include a lot of crotch-play. WOO HOO.

Hostile atheists. I have no patience with these fuckers. If god don’t exist, whats their problem with people saying he does exist? Christians let these buttfuckers walk all over them with their noise and their outrage. They are offended by anyone believing in god. And its always one god in partuicular that these shits have a problem with. The I Am god. They gut no problwm with allah or dagon or zeus or Billy Goat Gruff or Pan or Ra or Fuckyer Mom's Balls god or Cock Up The Ass god. No, it's always fuckin' Yahweh they gut a problem with. I don't know why God puts up with these fucks. they gut a fuckin problem with somethin' they don't even think exists. Who the fuck they think they’re kidding? If they didn't think he existed they wouldn't have a problem with the fucker. I have no patience with these shits. They’re always ugly too. Could be that’s why they’re pissed at the god they don’t belive in. he gave them faces that look like the foreskins on goat cocks.

the FAA is the reason we still have cars and I have to drive on a road to texas. Fuck!!!…..

You just KNOW these sour looking broads who get out at the rest stops with their wiry short orange hair that looks like a fuzzy bowling ball with their bulging-eyed freaky little dogs that don’t even feel good to the touch because they have hair like plastic matting and their bodies are completely hard like statues, you just know that they are licking these broads' wrinked, festered pussies. That that’s the only reason they are in the house at all and are in the car on all the trips. To lick their vile owners’ corrosive twat. And most of these broads have male dogs just to feel their cocks and teeny balls and to pretend that they are desireable to a male of at least some species even if it aint human. Its written all over them.

I have invented a new name for a new coffee dark-roast: pitchblende. Some Jew will now steal this and make a million dollars selling pitchblende-roast coffee. But it was this here wop that came up with the idea. But don't worry: someday me and that Jew will meet. And I'll kill the fucker. Hope it teaches him a good lesson.

The Bonita Lava Flow is in Arizona It is an extremely minor miniscule event in the scheme of volcanic events and yet it is big enough to be actually comprehensible. It exists inside the federal compound called a National something. It’s not a national park, its smaller than that but it is still owned by the National people. You can tell that because you have to pay to go in even though it is “yours,” if you are an American and because it is supervised by the portly, indigenous, barely concious life form known as a “Park Ranger.” The Bonita Lava Flow exists next to “Sunset Crater,” a volcanic hill in Arizona. Bonita beans beautiful in Mexican but there is nothing beautiful about the bonita lava flow. In fact the park “people” apparently don’t even want you to notice it, and I suppose they would cover it up if they knew how to do anything. If you are a sentient being at all, which is unlikely, the bonita lava flow is differe3nt from other weird, horrific, mind-bending natural events in that, rather than just experiencing a bit of it for a while, you can experience this in its entirety for as long as you want. You can fixate on it. The only thing missing from it is the astounding heat. It is cold now. But it is still whoppingly dangerous. Just because it is there. Because it calls out to you, “Come in and see.” The bonita lava flow is off to the side of the road that goes from the ranger store and picnic area and proceeds to sunset crater and the vulcanized-iron terrain that stretches as far as you can see in any direction from there. The bonita lava flow is referenced in the shitty signs that are rotting on their stands in the various turnouts and walking trails in the area, but the flow itself, which you see quite by surprise to your left as you proceed to the main tourist outpost for the area, the flow itself is something you drive past. Because the road is designed so that you cannot stop and gasp and be amazed and maybe dismayed as you look at it. Because the Park Trolls do not want you to look at it. Because they know and are not telling you that to enter it is to die. Or worse. The bonita lava flow, as seen from the road to sunset crater is without question the most alien landscape on earth and probably the scariest. If you have an IQ. Which you probably don’t, so you will likely be bored by it. You can grasp it,. Most forces of nature you cannot grassp even as they are happening. Its oout of our ex[erience and mental evolution. We only deal with them while they are killing us. We have no capacity to encompass them mentally until it is too late to ever talk about it. Because when we do encompass it we die: seeing the flow as it happened meant that you were going to be killed by it.. At the time it is occurring to you for the first time, at its birth, so to speak, to fully grasp its horror it has to kill you. Basically. But this phenomenon is different. Unlike other lava flows that flatten and harden, and even though fresh still possess some familiarity of shape, being flat and wide and huge – this one is different. It is chunky. And sharp. And out of place with its surroundings. It is a violation of our experience – even though the event is over and complete and now cold and dead. Because it is relatively confined. It is confined by its surroundings: a relatively narrow and shallow mountain valley. Almost a very wide gully. And it is this gully that contained it. And directed its progress. And then kept it in place in what was then a probably cold environment on a cold day. Because it “froze” to room temperature so to speak and did not flatten. It just turned into a series of alien rills of parallel nightmares no human even now can go into . It dares you to laughing. And you stand there and have no desire to even try to meet the challenge. It’s too alien. It’s too ugly. It’s too complex a menace. It is like a confined and finite fractal of infinite deaths. Most lava flows are so vast and so long solidified they are either THE ONLY landscape or have been disguised by new gewology. This lava flow is different. It’s where it should not be. It is confined and yet
Very large inasmuch as all of it is still frozen into place where it intruded its alien self, and where it did so very recently. If it had happen last week it would be just as new. And it’s most alien feature is that it does not appear to be even normal lava rock. It appears to be iron. A lava flow of iron that has hardened into microscopic knives. It probably could not even be bombed out of existence. It is like a long, wide spacecraft from a hotile alien world that had laned into the large gully and then be vulcanized by an even more hostile enemy weapon, huge and mighty beyond our comprehension and exceeding even our curiosity about it. It makes you want to flee from it just looking at it. But this flow you can actually comprehend. Its about a half mile long. Its about a hundred yard wide. And it was retained into a channel bu the natural landscape on both sides as it flowed. It is nothing like the rest of the terrain. It is nothing like anything else at all. Sure, it’s a lava flow. But its not a “slab”. It’s a dozen parallel ugly contorted rills and canyons of ugly contorted ugliness. And its only a thousand years old. It just got here. And its here now. And you can look at it because it looks like it did when it firwst cooled after it flowed down the ravine. It is a total abortion to the other immediate stuff. Its right in the middle of a normal alpine forest. Except it took the place of whatever was in the narrow terrain and now this really ugly long thing is there. And its not just ugly. It’s alien. You cannont even physically investigate it because it is like a half mile long intrusionary monster with razors for a surface. And the surface is a ghastly shade of black. An anemic sickly gothic black. It reflects no light. It harbors no plant. Its like a long narrow 20 foot high dead animal that can still kill you. You cound not advance two feet into it without bleeding to death from a million slashes and cuts and gouges. You would need chain mail to invade it. For you WOULD fall instantly. And be severed. You could not grap it to balance yourself it would shred your hand. And it didn’t cool into a flat blob like lava flows do in Hawaii. It’s row after nightmare row of sharp edged rills. Rats could not live in there they’d be shredded as soon as they attempted entry. The smalles snake would be torn apart skithering against any part of it. Insects do not land on it. It is like Sodom. It bars entry to life forms.. It intrudes into our reality with its own reality. Which is not remotely familiar to any of us here on earth. Its one thousand years old. The park doesn’t even want you to stop and even THINK bout entering it. The road takes you to this “prepared area.” The flow is only mentioned as a name. Not as the nightmare it is………

why catholics will be treated better than othr Christians by the muslims. The eucharist. Muslims will not tolerate the Christian tenant that jesus, an executed jew, is god. He – jesus- already has two stikes against him with these fuckers; he’s human and whats much much worse hes a jew. Even jews are gonna gt better treatment than Christians come beheading time. But the catholics, while they believe what the Christians believe they also beloieve jesus resides in pieces of bread that special words have been spoken ovwer by a certified speaker. Catholics believe the dead jew is inside some bread. This is really going topuzzle the muslim swordsmen. They will look at each other in astonishment and say things like this is extraordinary! This exceeds even our Sacred Meteorite doctrine. It could get the catholics a second chance to reconsider converting to islam. They might be allowed to say no TWICE before being beheaded……..

the bragging of Texans regarding the facts that 1: they are Texans and that 2: they live in texas takes on an even more majestic level of astonishing bizarreness when one visits ft Stockton. Not that one can “visit” ft Stockton. You basically become marooned there over night if you are driving east or west across the vast emptiness of texas that Texans are so proud of. It is like a lone Lunarian being proud of the Moon. It is the Moon that should be proud of the Lunarian for being able to inhabit it. So too it is Texas that should be proud of Texans for inhabiting the most uninteresting goat-friendly landscape on earth. To return to ft Stockton, it is without a doubt the saddest town in America. It makes gallup look like a hollering-to-glory empire of fire and energy and devil-may-care shenannigans. Stripped bare of any life force like a pelican taken to the desert and placed on a tuft of brambles to stand and forever try and make sense of his situation, ft Stockton exists in the center of nowhere for no apparent reason. The man and whatever woman who first landed there now have all their decendants still there, still marooned, still puzzled and perplexed and slowly breeding into the next millennium an ever increasing listlessly expanding pool of human puddles who will microscopically further expand outwards into the wind of the high plain onto which they are anchored, like a kind of listless human lava flow of flesh. The “center” of ft Stockton is a three mile straight line of hopelessness with the reckless party atmosphere of the uninhabited wilderness of Ganymede stretching off at either end from it. It is a three mile straight line of complete and total indifference. It is likely the safest community in America, perhaps the universe since even the contemplation of a crime, much less the committing of it, would intrude on the heavy mantle of uneventfulness that bathes the town in a thick torpor of inactivity. Road travelers, unless they are camping off road and on the other side of the fences that are apparently constructed with every inch of highway that gets laid in Texas, are forced to apply for “lodging” at one of the usual motel chains that America is inflicted with. In ft Stockton the prices to stay at these already infuriating way stations of torture are doubled. You will storm away from the first reception desk in outrage but you will come back eventually and the clerks know that. For there is nowhere else for you to go. You already drove 20 hours to get here and to get to the next “place” in texas you will have to drive another 20 hours. We applied at the super 8. the thing at the desk was a monstrously huge Mexican derivative that had an ass that ballooned sideways from her hipbones in both directions like the trancept of a church. From above looking down on her you would have seen a dot – the top of her concrete covered empty head – and a huge elipse extending for five feet to the left and the right of it of it. She was watching a piece of television programming across the lobby on the loud tv screen when we approached and she turned to face us with a visible strain of will. Her eyes were the last things to come our way, her hips, ass, thighs belly, arms, bratwurst fingers and cascading walrus neck already having laboriously made the journey. You could see the anguish and pain in both of the eyes, neither one of them wanting to miss an instant of the vapid, empty hollowness that was a pantene commercial, which, fair to say, was apparently, from her expression of grief to leave it, the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her in her lifetime in Stockton, that commercial playing at that moment. We considered staying at the motel six 500 feet away but the crater in the driveway that measured 4 feet across and had a small group of tourists looking at it and taking a few snapshots of it for their folks back home in Bangladesh, plus the David Lynchian barrenness of the “architecture” that seemed to invite deranged murderers to stop by and spend the night, bathing in the warm blood of their victims as it dripped onto their smiling, guerning faces, made us decide on the super 8. if you can call “running away screaming” a “decision.” Our destination was Austin, reputed to be a mecca for “musicians.” I suspect the future music of texas, if it IS being composed, is not being composed in the normal, human environs of Austin. It is being composed in ft Stockton by mad, seething, frustrated teens, their brains baked not by drugs and society but by the howling lonely madness in the careening winds that blow through ft Stockton, taking all life forces with it it collects in the town and depositing them out onto the distant empty terrain, somewhere on the other side of a highway fence where it can inhabit and depress the grazing steers until they are brought to a slaughterhouse, which they will no doubt go to willingly and happily for relief. And escape from the ft Stockton spirits they now lug around. ……someone told me that the real reason for 9-11 was that osama bin laden had his frequent mile credits taken away because he hadn’t used them in a reasonable period after being awarded them. Which I hear can cause some provocation. If it’s true I am almost willing to overlook the whole incident. But I have a hunch it aint true. So that allah fucker and his bretheren and their gets cut no slack just yet. S o stay alert, you meteorite-shitting God of Boyfuckers…….

why corporate retailers like to call customers “consumers.”

we went to a photo exhibit by some fucker named he takes pictures of “workers.”

The obama gaze of imperious wisdom. You see it on all his posters and on all his paraphernalia. He is not looking at you. He is looking off into the distance. Into the future. He does this because he is convinced that he has an intelligence. He does not. No electged official does. But most of them are indifferent to the fact that they are stupid, they are too content to know that it doesn’t matter: that it is not a hindrance to getting elected. But Obama is a fellow of a different stripe. He has real problems. Kind of like the Mayor of Los Angeles. Only worse. The mayor of los angeles does not imagine himself a diety. He knows he’s just a Mexican piece of shit. He has no problem with the knowledge. Obama is a piece of shit too, only he’s dragging tons of mental dysfunctional baggage around with himself. He thinks he’s actually smart, for one thing. He aint. He’s a bumbling dumbass nigger hippie who thinks that he “has answeres.” If he had any answers he wouldn’t be in politics, he’d have a job. He looks like just another nigger chieftain of a nigger country with maxist hopes for the future. Except that for a nigger chief he’s a bit on the skinny side, he needs to be a bit more roly poly to sit on the throne of bones and animal skins that is the customary portly profile of the unganda imperious look of wisdom. He’s gonna piss of the wannabee more elephantine negroes who are going to want the post. That look of “I see farther than you” might be fooling Idiot America but it aint foolin me. I know what it is he’s seein. The deaths of white people. Aint gonna bother him a bit. Every whitey that dies is gonna warm his black empty bitter soul. On the plus side, he’s an idiot. There is NO chance he is actually going to initiate anything. It aint as though he is a mad genius like Hitler. In fact I am insulting Our Beloved Fuehrer just by mentioning him and Our New Nigger in the same sentence.

Herbert west, reanimator. When I first started, h p lovecraft was my solace and reassurance tht the world did in fact hold at least one ally for me. Now that I am at the other end of my journey I have come to revisit mr lovecraft in what I shall call my maturity. Though I don’t think anyone else who knows me would call it that. Herbert west, reanimator was at the time one of the several lovecraft stories I just didn’t seem to want to “waste my time” with. It was clear from the opening pages that there would be no interlopings from the satanic, if that’s the word, denizens, which were a favorite group of visitors to the tail end of my, at the time favorite, lovecraft stories. Nothing better to end-off a delightfully told tale of dread and horror and menace and non-earthly nightmares dedicated to the eradication via torture of humanity than the appearance of something wettish and in the words of h g welles, with intellects vast, cool, and unsympathetic, to bring the yarn to a disturbing, and as a corollary, lovely end. Having just read it now though, I can see that it is a tale rich in movie-ready drama. Now, I know that a movie has already been “made from” this story, which, while preposterously horrible, did in fact accrue a devoted cult following among those peculiar folks who find a kind of redemption of soul in the kind of awfulness that results from a diligent and effortful and energetic and dedicated and maniacal effort at excellence made by the dismally untalented. Herbert west reanimator was just such a movie. I mean, you look at the cloth cat stuck to the man’s back and at all his carrying-on about it, screaming and hollering in terror and you have to say to yourself “I applaud this level of self-delusion in a genuine attempt to provide me with exciting entertainment.” And that in fact is the charm of horribly done movies that become cult favorites: the people who made them were doing their very best to bestow upon an audience their very best efforts. And failed beyond all benchmarks of talentlessness than previously seemed possible. And bless its heart, Herbert west reanimator the movie was one of these things. But let us leave that there. Let us back quietly away from that and then, once we are a distance away where it cannot hear us, we turn on our heels and advance at a good pace toward this discussion now in progress. That discussion being, how great a movie could actually be made from this story. And certainly a weekly serial made by david lynch if nothing else.. Because, you see, divided into 6 separate chapters as it is, each chapter oddly and interestingly recounts everything that has happened thus far. It is a most odd and interesting experiment in story writing. You would think these recountings would be irritating: as though the writer was purposely adding words so that he could get a bigger check from the publisher, since at the time these guys got paid by the word. But that’s not it. It’s that the narrator (and the writer) is apparently so interested in the aactivities of Herbert west that they need to be constantly reviewed before we advance the tale. Over and above its richness in new-at-the-time concepts in uneasiness which are blithely mentioned and added to seemingly without end, is the understated comedic level of the narration. Experiments with reanimating the dead often ended in gunfire from the mad scientist. These scenes of course are being recounted for the reader, not told to him “at the time” which adds to the amusing use of the language. “These attempts were often terminated by use of a revolver” is a common amusement encountered in the prose. H p lovecraft is not fabled as a comedian but his unrelenting understated bland interations of totally twisted human behavior is so brilliant, so far, to my knowledge, only I have noticed it. Every time he recounts events so far he uses new vocabulary, he presents it in a whole new series of paragraphs adding fresh new particulars and frames of mind which acts as a gestalt – which at the time did not exist, as I recall. He applied gestalt learning theory for the first time to make a tale of fiction almost more real than reality. By the time you are done with the story once you have read it six times. The comedic elements are dark and black in the extreme. He makes no effort as comedy at all but is merely – the narrator – (west’s devoted assistant) – trying to simply explain the day to day lives of these two degenerates and yet holding you fast to their side of it. You are with them all the way, so to speak, regardless of the unearthlky consequences. All of which are titanic blunders to these two fellows, but which are horrific insane terrors to the countryside, which these two only hear about second hand, usually. The mad scientist haas never been made more human than in this story and the madness of the mad scientist has never been more mad. It is all pure, advanced-in-the-genre genius. Alas!! It all ends weakly!!! It is a tragedy never once that I know mourned or discussed or bewailed!! Perhaps no one has not noticed except myself that this magnificent masterpiece has turned to meaningless butchery to the reader’s expectations at the very end. If only I could reanimate mr lovecraft and talk to him about it and prod him on and enourage him to end it properly and with the majesty the tale has earned the right to end with. By. As. Of. Hmmm; perhaps the story cmes with a curse; even writing ABOUT it causes blundering endings.

I saw the Alamo today. I don’t understand how Texans can revere a battle that they lost. I have to say also that before obama got elected president I would probably never be writing such an opinion as this, at least not for public consumption. However his election has so demoralized me, as though a demon from hell is now in charge of things, whereas before they were only prodding and pushing from the wings but now one of them has made it onto the stage and is in the spotlight and is being cheered – that I have to admit I have become completely demoralized and defeated regarding any need or pretence at American patriotism. I am convinced that hell is now in charge of America and that it is over and only Armageddon remains to sort out the goats from the sheep. That it is all God's show now, we human are out of the picture and only the demon possessed and Jesus remain to fight it out. And I think we know who’s gonna win THAT one. That meek fucker that said turn the other cheek. Hey, I hear ya: it's a shocker. Where the fuck was i. Oh yeah. The Alamo. I will say one thing for the place: it showed us all how fucked up Mexicans are as fighters. So I guess that’s good. The Alamo was good for something.

When I wake up the second time in the morning I usually have a boner so fucking hard I can’t believe it doesn’t hurt. But the first time I wake up in the morning I have not actually a boner but what feels more like a penis full of heavy liquid. I suppose it’s blood. I usually wake up on my side and since I have the kind of underwear that isn’t boxers – I don’t know if they have a name other than “briefs” and that is a completely unacceptable word for a man to be wearing – the first thing I do is to put one hand or the other, depending on what side I am waking up on, anyway the first thing I do is put the hand that is on the arm closest to the ceiling – which would be the one farthest from the bed - against the front of my underwear that isn’t boxers and curl my fingers around my heavy laden but not stiff cock and my sack of balls. My sack of balls has two balls in it. In the morning my ballsack is usually relaxed and creating the maximum surface area for heat to disperse so my two balls have a lot of room to be lifted and lowered in. And so it is when I wake up the first time the first thing I do is surround my cock and balls in one hand and lift them against gravity so that they lay with their full weight and shapes inside my hand and fingers and I move the whole pile of reproductive machinery up and down and imagine that it is someone else’s hand doing this and not my own. Whose other hand? Any female on earth who I never met yet who is not a skank. That’s who. But this person is not shaped in my imagination, it is just the HAND of this person I am pretending is different from the hand actually lifting my cock and balls up and down while I am on my side in leaden dead weight against gravity. While I am doing this I am also taking mental note that if the hand really was someone else’s hand that I had not met yet and if the next day a different hand of some female who was not a skank was hoisting my reproductive organs in her hand and enjoying the experience as much as I was, and that if this happened every goddamn morning, a new female hand of a hot female lifting my liquid-heavy cock and thin sack of balls up and down that life would have as much meaning for me as it is possible for life on earth as a member of species of extremely horny monkey could ever possibly have. Now you know something about me and not only that you now also know something about my cock and balls. And something about how the 4 of us interact. And it just doesn't get better than that.

Good Things About Scientology
1: They don't fly passenger airliners into American skyscrapers. 2: They don't pay Income Tax. 3: They don't kill you if you don't become a Scientologist. 4: They don't beat their women to death for the crime of having a vagina. 5: They don't obsess on nuking Israel, the most peace-seeking, tourist-friendly country on earth. 6: They don't strap shrapnel-filled explosives to themselves and go to busy places to explode. 7: They don't behead people and then televise it. 8: They don’t teach their children from birth that Jews and Christians and Israelis and Americans are Satanic beings whose death by muder at the hands of a Muslim is the loftiest most praiseworthy act that can be performed in Life. 9: They bathe. 10: They don't go into a raging fury and target you for murder if you create a cartoon or a likeness or a portrait or a drawing of L. Ron Hubbard. 11: They don't stalk you and harangue you and diabolically abuse the court system to turn your life into a freaked-out, madhouse-level snakepit of insanity if you criticize the writings of L. Ron Hubbard and call it all made-up, sense-defying bullshit by an ugly, grouper-faced, writhing-lipped, snaggle-toothed, vulture-breathed, socially frustrated, sexually conflicted, misogynistic, Jesus-hating, satan-admiring narcissistic Jew sadist black magician like the Muslims do if you say the same thing about Mohammed . Excuse me, there's someone at the door. In fact it looks like two people. One’s all filthy with beady eyes and tan skin and a thick five oclock shadow and a rag on his head and the other one is wearing a very wrinkled white dress shirt with Navy phylacteries on the shoulders and meaningless twined satin cords across his chest, looks extremely poor and has an expression of utter vacuity mixed with delusional optimism. I don’t think either one of them is with UPS or Fedex. Even though one of them is carrying a package. The dirty, foul one that’s snarling. The other one is handing the dirty foul one a flyer with a picture of a man with a face like pumice posing with his puffy chin in his meaty hand and seems to be wanting him to sign something. I better get it before the skinny white guy in the wrinkled dress shirt gets hurt. He looks way out of his league in the terrorizing game. I wonder what they want? I better get it. OH SHIT I'M NOW DEAD AND IN COURT!!!

Hitler in heaven. Now THAT'S gonna piss off a lawwwwwta people.

Restaurants vs everywhere else – especially government offices

When you go into a GOOD rstaurant the customers are all sitting down all qiet and relxed but everyone else is wizzing around like lunatics. The cooks, the waitresses, the hostess, the busboys. But everyone is getting served and a ton of people eating there are all real happy and they willingly and without grudge or display pay for all this and go home. Now then, you go into a government office and the “customers “ are usually all still waiting for service. The employees, or whatever the fuck they are, are all calm. It’s the customers who are tense. It's the customers who are all moving the fastest. Arms waving agitated. In foul moods Not one good thing happening to any of them in there. The employees, however, are all real calm. They're moving real slow. If they're moving at all. They're all talking to each other, interacting with each other, and stopping to chat as one leaves their desk, and the idiot taxpayer, to go somewhere else. This is the case in EVERY government office. Without exception, reaching its most critical level of horror at the crime level, such as, police stations and courts and prisons. And then finally the execution chamber. Where the employees are VERY motionless. And the government "customer" is literally screaming and flopping around and flapping against wood like a fish in a shallow boat.


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