Monday, February 2, 2009

William Wegman And His Mother Fucking Dogs

William Wegman takes pictures of his two maroon dogs and sells them for millions of dollars because people think they are wonderful. He dresses his dogs up in clothes. Like monkeys. He turns his two dogs into apes with his fucking nonsense. The dogs NEVER look happy. They always look fucking miserable. It's as though they know that they are being fucked with big time, being totally taken advantage of and maybe even being tortured. Maybe he nails the dogs into position. Nobody ever hears how it is that the dogs have managed to assume the bizarre poses that they assume and in the clothes that they are wearing. I mean, dogs are not comfortable in clothing. Unless they are those real little freak dogs that don't give a shit about anything except barking and pissing in your lap when you pick them up and your hand hits their naked little cock cause there aint no way you can avoid the fuckin thing and it's always wet and leaky. But larger normal dogs and animals in general do not like clothing. Clothing fucks with the way they communicate with their surroundings and it fucks them all up emotionally, having fucking clothes on. So the fact that they sit there at all and pose for pictures is bizarre in itself. Over and above the final product. Which is even more bizarre. They could be fucking dead. Nobody ever asks if the dogs are alive when the pictures are taken. He could be going through dogs like Col. Sanders goes through chickens. It's just assumed the critters are alive. They probably are. If they were stuffed the taxidermist would have taken care of those morose, depressed expressions on their kissers first thing. I pray for the day when someone with some sense, some REAL artist, does a lampoon series of William Wegman dog pictures, with the dogs slaughtered like steers, and clothes just tossed willy nilly onto their carcasses. With, ya know, professional lighting and furniture and vases of flowers and proper backdrops, like the real photos, only with the dogs in parts, here and there, with the clothes all blood-soaked. Hey, another million dollar idea for the enterprising reader, courtesy of the best blog going, JJ Solari vs. You.


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