Another Good Thing About Our New Nigger
Another good thing about our new nigger is - it really makes you realize that America IS fucked up, and that Americans really do not have any control over their own destiny when you look at the fellow that has the highest office in the land and it's a fucking heathen muslim fucking wiseass funkyass fuckin' nigger. At that point you GOTTA realize if you have even one working brain cell in your head at all, you gotta realize "I deserve better than this." I know I do. Fuck this shit. Fuck this Country. And fuck you. I'll take my chances on my own without America's help. I know I sure ain't gonna lift a fuckin' finger to make that nigger's job any easier, that's for fuckin' sure. The two hundred year experiment in psuedo-liberty failed. We are now one step away from a fucking African Tribal Village Banshee Voodoo Nigger Zombie Cult. Good job representatives: you sure didn't represent me. What the fuck was I payin' all you assholes for; to hand me a nigger chief? Jesus christ, i coulda got one o' those in an apartheid city in South Africa. Now were gonna see why the Whites in South Africa tried so hard to keep the niggers behind a fence. And I'll just point out that there was a whole lot more room on the NIGGER side of that fence than there was on the white side. There was all of Africa and Europe and Asia on the nigger side. South of that fence was the bottom point of Africa and the rest is just ocean and ice. And the niggers, well they just HAD to have that southern part. Yassuh. And the rest of the world insisted that the niggers were the good guys. Jesus Christ, we deserve what we get with this idiot coon in office. I guess he bein' where he is just means that we have finally hit fucking bottom because I have to admit the white fucks that went before him weren't all that much more on the fucking ball. And unlike them, this nigger IS a fucking worker. He aint taken a vacation yet, so far as I know He's workin' 24 hours a day to fuck things up to the max, I'll give the fucking moolie that. He's already put in more time at the office than all the other Presidents before him combined except Washiington. From Washington to Obama: the long long increasingly fucked up road to the bottom. Welcome to the bottom, White America, wherever you are, whatever nigger rap song you're listeing to, you've gotten your wish, we're all wiggers now, ite.
This is the only time a rap lyric makes any sense..."Put your arms in the air like you just don't care"
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