Friday, December 12, 2008


Libertarians are the "touchingly amusing" political party here in America. The Democrats are basically Marxists, the Republicans are basically A Little Less Marxists, the Green Party is basically Bizarre, the Natural Law Party is in contradiction with itself just being a political party and the Libertarians are the cute, cuddly, mixed up ones. They also have enough sense, at least on a subconcious level, to know that they are in violation of most of their own precepts just by running candidates for office. This would explain why the Libertarians are usually in head-scratching chaos. It's not really COMPLEX chaos that they get themselves in, a five year old could lead them out of it if they would just listen to the five year old, but the problem with the Libertarians is that they cannot get two of them to agree about anything, and they are all such political nimrods and so personally egocentric that each one of them is convinced only HE has the keys to the doors of social wisdom. So they can never agree on a candidate because they all think it should be HIM. PLUS - on those occasions when they do grudgingly select a candidate - the candidate usually turns into an Ogre Of Imagined Power even before he gets his name on the ballot. They're just a mess. Undiciplined, petty, confused as to their own existence, and suspicious of every other Libertarian, worrying someone other than himself is going to become "King of the Party AND YIPPEE MAYBE JOHN GALT TOO OBOY." They just can't get organized and are haunted by Ayn Rand: would she approve of this?....would she approve of that? Hey, the thick-ankled homely Jew is dead, boys, don't worry about it, she can't insult you now or disown you in a haughty huff of arrogant ignorant Bolshevik Jew Atheist Cunt rudeness, so relax: Mommy is deceased.. If they could just handle a few of their infantile insecurities they might win some elections. Which I THINK is contrary to their fundamental beliefs: winning elections. I THINK it means - to them - that they have failed in their own eyes. So, like I say, they're totally FUN!!


At December 14, 2008 at 11:17 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

You obviously have a complete ignorance of the Libertarian Party and probably everything else within stones throw of the category of human knowledge. You need to come join us. We can enlighten you regarding gradual and I believe, inevitable progress toward someday regaining America for the individual. You are obviously a thinking man and I suspect that with a modicum of guidance you could be a substantial asset to our party and our cause. you have any money? the way?....

At December 14, 2008 at 11:22 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

Hi, it's me again, the guy that just asked if you had any money?....can you figure out a way to tell Rush Limbaugh that we exist? If we could get him on board it would really help us I think. We had Howard Stern for a while but, well, you know how things go with US: we snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Good thing we don't REALLY care about anything in particular. At least regarding political survival. We would prefer NO politics. I think. If we get Rush Limbaugh on board do you think he will give us money? Say, could we be Socialists? Gee, this politics stuff is so confusing.


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