Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Shall Bring Confusion To George Will's Long Run Of Calm

I have decided to target George Will for destruction. Destruction here in this usage is a very general and imprecise word, which is fitting regarding George Will since he is very general and imprecise person, assuming he is a person. He seems to be more of a tendrilled plant He would have not brought this wrath onto himself by me, his intellectual master, if he had not railed against Donald Trump today, calling him a bloviating idiot. Which Donald Trump is actually not. But George Will, it might surprise you, if you ever heard of George Will, actually is. George Will has never spoken or written a clear, understandable sentence that was not either name calling - which I approve of - or was not historical regarding his own life. "I chatted often with Reagan." That sort of thing. In any other context he is never clear and if he comes close to clear he does not hold to that view for very long. He changes it after a short period of time. He does this with everything. He has no opinion that he has ever held for longer than three years. As to things he KNOWS as opposed to opinions, there is nothing in that chamber at all, that room is completely empty. He has no knowledge. He only has opinions and they change. Since writing the above i have written a letter to The Donald. On Mouseketeer stationery. He will of course invite me to New York to thank me for my devotion. And who wouldnt after reading this: Donald Trump The Trump Organization 725 5th Ave. New York City, NY 10022 May 27, 2012 Dear Donald Trump; I hear George Will is calling you "a bloviating ignoramus." Let me tell you something about George Will. Nobody bloviates more, or is more ignorant of everything on earth, than George Will. He has made a pretty good living off of - God knows who's paying the fucker - he has made a pretty good living off of some mysterious boss by never having uttered a sentence that anyone can ever find a subject or a predicate to. He is the guru master of meaningless drivel. He has spent his whole life declaring himself the Master of Political Understanding. Politics is the art of ass-fucking made to look like calculus. And George Will is the overlord of it. He has managed to get both Republicans and Democrats to think he is on their side. In fact, George Will doesn't have a side. He doesn't even know if he believes in God or not. He's an "agnostic." An agnostic is someone who wants everyone to know he is too fucked up to make a decision about something that no one can prove the existence of or not. He can't make a decision about THAT and he is the arbiter of political and sociological and economic thought and theories. He has never uttered a sentence vocally or on paper that anyone has ever been able to make any sense out of. On the rare occasions when he does say something definite, a few months later, "after rethinking this," he has the opposite opinion. Oh, and i do mean opinions. He has never stated anything as true or false, ever. It's all "my opinion." He likely has an opinion about what day of the week we are in and later in the day he will change it. And both opinions will be wrong. The fucker USED to wear a bow tie. Until he figured out that there are a lot of us - me included - who see a bow tie on a public figure as a Marxist flag. which of course it is. Well, he now wears a regular tie and you can just tell it's killing him. The fact that he wants Romney to stop associating with you should be proof to anyone without shit in their heads that he wants another four years of Obama. Because you are the only person Obama fears. You are the only person who can get that Kenyan asshole to jump when ordered to jump. Now Romney is not the brightest bulb on the Mormon Christmas tree, or whatever it is they do in December; Flying Saucer Day, who knows what's up with them. And so Romney might be one of those people who thinks George Will is a Conservative and a Republican. He ain't. He's a fucking Marxist shill. I'm Italian, I can smell a snake in a room full of sewage. And politics is a sewer. Ask George Will if he has ever had a job outside of politics. He'll faint. He would last about ten minutes at a job in the marketplace of products and services instead of the marketplace of fecal matter where he hangs out in Washington. Tell George Will I said for him to go fuck himself. If he wants to call someone names, send him to me, I can handle that imbecile bow-tied fucker. You keep romney by your side. Thank you. Sincerely, J.J. Solari


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