Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Nigger In Chief And The Jews

The nigger decided that he would up the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and appease a few terrorists for his rude intrusions into the home and the forehead of Osama Bin Laden, and what he came up with was a proposal to the Israelis that they commit suicide. The head of the Jews, who this week is Bibideebee Netanyahu, said no, we decline your offer. The sock monkey, in case you have not noticed, does not like to be contradicted or disobeyed and he is saying in response "of course i did not mean what i said but you had better do what i said." 70% of the Jews in the USA voted for the nigger. Because Jews are an extremely exasperating race and anything they can do to piss off white christian republicans they will, and they will do it just for that reason and to hell with the consequences. Well, the consequence for voting for the nigger arab is that he is now going to try and destroy their race. Of course Jews love this kind of betrayal because they love being victimized. It's all they have, their victimization history. "Oy, vee haff suffid fa fife tousint yeez! Ven vil it ent????" Well it will end when you start using your fucking heads, assholes, and quit feeling sorry for yourselves. And executing your Deity cant have helped much either, you might want to try shitcanning your rules and regulations and get on the Apologies To Jesus train and see if you can learn something from his teachings. Christianizing yourself into bloodthirsty soldiers for Christ like the rest of us Westerners could change your whole fate. Assholes!!!


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