Sunday, May 22, 2011

Nigger Football Player Says "YOU END DE LOCKOUT AWELSE!!"

One of the nigger NFL players said - and all the news agencies jumped on it - he said if there is no NFL season the niggers will go on a crime spree. OF COURSE HE DID NOT SAY IT WOULD BE NIGGERS DOING THIS!!! What he said was crime would increase due to the frustration of footballs fans not having football games to keep them from committing crimes. I see this as a threat. He's basically saying "Gimme what i want or else i kiw yew." Niggers. Hey, this threat has been working since 1865 and there is NO reason to think that it is not going to work in this case. I would be willing to bet the idea got put into his head by Obama. This is the kind of amusing notion that would appeal to his nigger "kill whitey" sense of humor.
"Do this research if we don't have a season -- watch how much evil, which we call crime, watch how much crime picks up, if you take away our game."
"There's too many people that live through us, people live through us. Yeah, walk in the streets, the way I walk the streets, and I'm not talking about the people you see all the time."_______Ray Lewis, Professional Football Nigger


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