Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Nigger In Chief Senses White People Waking Up

There's nothing a nigger ransacking a white man's house fears more than the white people in the house he is ransacking waking up. He knows that they are not going to discuss race relations with the fellow and sit down with him and try to work out the injustices to his great great grand parents by a cruel and insensitive slave trade. Instead they are going to blow him apart with shotguns being fired from several directions, one by the husband, one by the wife, and maybe some by a few of the kids. The nigger in chief seems to be in this position. I can detect just by the switch in tone from the AP that the press is going to flee the sinking ship that the nigger has run aground. The white people in the House of America are starting to get a clue that niggers, when you feel sorry for them for things they did to themselves - the niggers are going to laugh at you and fuck you up even more because apparently you are easy prey. Now, the press has been very rattled by a Republican reetard winning the seat held by Ted Kennedy for 3,000 years. The press has always assumed that the thick headed Irish racists were electing Kennedy over and over and over again because he was a Democrat. I was born in Boston. I know how those concrete-headed micks think: they elected Kennedy over and over again because he was the son of Joe Kennedy. If Ted Kennedy had been a Muslim preaching jihad for 3000 years they would have kept electing him. Because he was the son of Joe Kennedy. The Irish in Massachusetts have been taught by their grandpartents the Joseph Kennedy and all the rest of the Kennedys have been lied about by the Italians. The Italians tried to falsely say that Joseph Kennedy made his fortune by dealing with the Mafia during prohibition. The filthy Italians tried to dirty the name of that good Catholic Irishman, Joe Kennedy. In fact the filthy Italians don't give a crap about anyones' reputation. If Joe Kennedy was working with them they would just as soon keep it quiet. Now the nigger in chief, for all his conviction that he is where he is because he is who he is, the fact is he is where he is because of WHAT he is: a nigger. Him being a nigger was enough to get him elected because white people think electing a nigger president will purge them of their anti nigger biases. However all it has really done is awaken their biases. I like to think I had a small part in this by creating this blog that nobody reads and relentlessly calling Obama a stupid fucking idiot muslim commie nigger since the day after his election, when this blog was born, as if by a great celestial miracle. Sometimes all it takes is one wondrous person to get the ball rolling. Unfortunately I was not alone so I can't take all the credit, much as I would like to. The point is, one year of the nigger in chief has started to make the idiot white people who elected him start to say to themselves and to each other: "Why - he's just another stupid fucking nigger, running up debts and looting the population. Because that's what niggers do." Yup, he is. And that's what he's doing. Because that's what they do. The nigger in chief is not taking this well. He is trying to yell at people and hoping they will find him fearful. Well, a lot of them did, when he was on the mysterious rise. But now he's on a not so mysterious decline. When he yells they just look at him. That piece of ugly razor-toothed baboon-ass he's married to is going to be the one who is going to be the LEAST impressed by his yelling. He is going to learn what real yelling really is. If she hasn't demonstrated it to him already. The nigger is on the decline. Nobody gives a shit about him anymore. He stepped out on the water and sunk. I guess nobody told him that niggers can't swim. Pro'bly they didn't want to sound racist. I'll tell 'im: hey nigger in chief: niggers can't swim!


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