Another Good Thing About Nigger Hussein
Another good thing about our new nigger president is that he has white people who never gave a rat's ass about what the fuck is going on in politics and Washington - they now think about what's going on in politics and Washington 24 hours a day. Every time they see that black nigger bastard on tv and hear from the commentators over and over the name Obama preceeded by the word President - they fuckiing come alive. And not with love. The new nigger has turned lackluster right wingers into marching angry infuriated fanatics like the hippies were. Except right wingers ain't hippes. Right wingers know how to get things done. So that's one good thing: Obama is on intelligent peoples' mind all the time wondering how the fuck we get outa this before the fucking bomb goes off. And you gotta know that Obama IS going to attack his enemies. And his enemies are White American Christians. Wake up white People: the nigger is preparing to attack. And he aint takin' prisoners. That would be too much work, And this is a nigger we're talkin' about here after all, so you know what i'm sayin'. Yeah, that's right: just ain't compatible.
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