The Nigger
The nigger said he's gonna tax the wealthy. And give free medical care to everyone. Look for the wealthy to leave the country. Especially if they're wealthy white people. White people, especially wealthy white ones don't like being ordered around by niggers. Especially when the nigger's tellin' 'em to hand over their wallet to him. Most white people have already been through this experience on the way to their car at night, We never get over it. So they don't want to hand their money over to a nigger ever again. Especially a sandnigger nigger. And the wealthy black ones are gonna tell their nigger brother to go fuck himself he tries to take their dough. Look for the doctors to leave the day after the medical practice gets socialized.. If they're allowed to leave. The nigger will probably pull their licenses if they leave. All the good doctors will be the first to want to leave so they'll be the ones who will get their licenses pulled. And their passports. That will leave the Muslim doctors to work on you. Which, if the healing profession is socialized, you will have to go to that muslim doctor. And you know he ain't gonna be too anxious to keep you alive, Christian.
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