Sunday, February 22, 2009

My First Fight

My first fight happened in the first grade. On the first day of school. when I started school I could already read on a 4th grade level. I learned to read at 4. Actually I was taught. By my mother. So they had these big cards with our names on them on top of the desks and we were supposed to sit at the desk with our name on it. I was the only one who could read but I didn't know that. There was a Mexican in the class. A boy named Ulysses. I have to tell you I wasn't a PERFECT reader. A new word, especially a Greek name, was something I just assumed I was saying right. Hey: I was six; back off. So nobody knew that the signs on their desk was their name but i could see they were so i found my name on a desk and I sat down. Everyone else was assembling in the front. So I got up and I go past the Ulysses card again and take note of it that that seemed like an odd name. I wondered who had that name. So when we all got shown to our desks i saw the kid at the Ulysses desk and when we had a break I went outside to ask him about his name and I see him and I go over and say to him "Hey, Useless!" Like the joke says, that's when the trouble started.


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