Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weights In Prison

Hey, you fuckers in prison: I know they took all the weights away because you fuckers were all getting too strong. the cops were having a tough time ganging up on you to take you down and haul you in. so the fat cops complained because a healthy opponent was too muich for them. so they arranged to have the weight equipment removed from prison. But, you know what? Now you can get even healthier and give the cops even more mroblems. Because piling-on the muscle doesn't create endurance. It lessens endurance. Only aerobic exercize increases endurance. you don't waht to muscle the cop to the ground, you want to give him a heart attack. This is done by getting him winded. And if you think those buff pythons are attractive to women, theyh ain't women don't give a shiot about anything a man does except how well does he dance and how much money does he have to spend on me. Period. So forget about them gay weights. Jump rope. Do Marine exercizes. Prepare for war, not Wrestlemania. And while resting in your cell between exercize workouts read When Bikers Meet Humans, by me. Eventually you will become perfect, in body and mind.


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