Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Difference Between Bush And The New Nigger

The difference is Bush is stupid and the new nigger is stupid AND EVIL. Bush isnt actually evil like the commie cartoonists portray him as, with dracula teeth and blood dripping down his chin. He's just stupid. He doesn't have a clue how to be evil or understand it or even probably spell it. He is not a bright guy. Obama the Muslilm is evil. AND stupid. But being evil he at least has an agenda and a certain energy level. Bush has no energy level. He's just a lazy idiot. He has no idea what to do with himself. He doesn't have a thought in his head. Obama has tons of thoughts in his head. Just like a juvenile nigger delinquent has a million thoughts in his head how he can fuck someone out of their property. That's what's goin ' on in OBAMA'S head. He's a fuckin' thief, a liar, and pretty soon we are going to see that he's a killer. Of course to be President you HAVE to be a killer. But Bush would never come looking for ME to kill. Obama will. Which is why I fucking detest him. I am now on his hit list. I was not on Bush's hit list. Most Americans, especially white ones, are now on Obama's hit list. Unlike them, I have no intention of keeping quiet about it. Bring the stupid fucking commie muslim nigger monkey on. That fucking gay little queerbait nigger hippy black supremacist. HAHA, like, what the fuck is THAT all about. What they fuck are they supreme at: making a mess? Is there a CLEAN nigger neighborhood on the whole fucking Planet Earth??????? NO!!!!!!!!! YOU STUPID WHITE NIGGER-VOTING FUCKS!!!!! Jesus. Get me to fucking Mars immediately.


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