Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What is a Cult

A cult is any group offering superpowers to its members and/or protection from "harm." So far all cults have failed in the second offering - protection from harm: their members have all died. And as far as the receipt of superpowers is concerned not one of them has ever defied a law of Nature successfully or otherwise demonstrated a feat: most cult members cannot SPELL levitation or telepathy much less perform it. The members have to pay to be in the cult. All current religions are cults. All governments are cults. Many "businesses" are cult-similar. Most "associations," as different from "sports teams," are cults. Any two people forming an alliance "of complete union" is a cult. A "complete union" would be "a conviction that together more (energy, power, spiritual 'influence' karma, aura-production, chi ) or other vague non-entity exists at the disposal of either or both members for instantaneous use." The "use" is usually a "wish." More often than not a wish for a weakening of an opponent, imagined or real. All tribes are cults. The only "asssociations" other than "sports teams" that are not cults are "armies." Or other types of "war groups" such as "navies." Or "air forces." These are armies basically, just not on land, so to speak. All cults WANT to be armies. But they do not want to face danger. So they do their killing "secretly." Armies can kill freely. Armies do not go to jail. Until they are defeated by another army. Then they do. Or they get executed. Cults kill secretely. One way or another. Because cults, unlike armies, fear direct physical confrontation involving weapons. Armies, on the other hand, this is their job. Because armies are not cults. And they know this is the only way to get that particular job done. Which would be defeating and killing your opponent or enemy. And, well, conquest of other humans. This is WAY too dangerous an undertaking for cult members. Only one cult is also an army: Islam. The Mob is a cult and kills "its enemies" secretly. Armies do not kill secretly. On the contrary. They make a big show of it. They want everyone to know what they are up to and how they are going about it and how it all turned out. There is nothing secret about an army's activities. Masons secretly kill the innocent - complete strangers. Unlike the Mafia, which kills people it at least knows. Or knows ABOUT. The Masons are VERY fucked up. Even for cults. They are really out there. They make other cults, even Islam, look normal. There cannot be "a cult of one." You always need at least two. So that one can control the other. All cults are superstitious entities, the members believing that their united "purpose" creates "wish fulfillment." This is a delusion. Delusion is the life force of every cult. At some point it began to occur to cult leaders that all of their members died. It apparently may not have been noticed by the members, however. In anticipation of the day when it MIGHT be noticed by the members the cult leaders switched their emphasis from "prevention from harm" to "prevention from harm in the NEXT life." This is now the norm in all "totally-into-it" cults, such as the Catholics or the Masons, or their derivatives, such as the Scientologists, Mormons, and Jehova's Witnesses. And since no one from the next life has come back to inform anyone in this life what exactly is occuring in the next life, be it good or ill, there has to date been no real controversy about it. The people in this life seem content to believe what other people in this life tell them about the next life. To those who might say "Well how can you compare the Masons with the Catholics, the Masons forbid the name of Jesus and the Catholics are just the opposite: Jesus is what they are all about." Well, Jesus is what they are all about IN PRINCIPLE. But in practice He gets diluted a lot into His mother, the saints, the clergy, the sacraments, the mysteries, the traditions, the history, the Catholic Church Itself, they gut a million things goin' that are, if not the equivalent of Jesus, they are things Jesus apparently cannot do without to be fully effective. The Catholics are a mess. They're all over the place. Unlike the Muslims. Who are pretty simple and easy to understand and very direct and - astoundingly - very open about their "stuff." And their "stuff" is, you either join or you die: if you say anything bad about us you die: if you say anything bad about our deity or our founder you die. The Catholic "stuff" is "You needn't join: but if you do; you cannot leave as far as God is concerned." You can badmouth Catholics and their beliefs and their founder etc all you want, they don't do anything drastic about it. Because Islam is the only cult that is also actually an army, Islam will eventually be the only cult left on earth. All the other cults will have, for one reason or another, ceased to exist. Only Islam will remain. Because they are also an army. They will attack and defeat all the other cults. Which fear armed conflict with an armed adversary. Muslims do not. Muslims fear nothing. Except the Bad Place. Muslims love armed conflict because if they die "for their cult" THEY GET THE AFTERLIFE GOOD PLACE!!! Remember earlier?...about that afterlife stuff? There ya go. Now, just because Islam will be the last cult to survive that does not mean Islam will be the last ARMY to survive. Only the last cult. If you LIKE Islam, this should come as great news to you. If you DON'T like Islam this should ALSO come as great news to you. Islam: something for everyone. WOO-HOO!!


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