Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Saudis

The Saudis actually run this planet. They are every bit as devoted to Islamic crap as the fuckhead loser suicidal assholes who are used as human weapons but the Saudis are the ones who always reap the benefits. And, amazingly, they pretend to be on the side of the West. Why not? - the western "leaders" don't really give a shit if the Saudis reap the rewards, so long as the Saudis say all the right things and do all the right diplomatic dances at the right and appropriate times. Meanwhile the Saudis pay the Iranians and the Iraqis and the Lybians and the Syrians and the Palestinians and the other fuckhead Muslim shitholes to NOT jump through the Western hoops. And the other Muslim, dirtbag countries go "OK: You are Muslim so we like you: besides, you own Mecca, and if we can't get there we go to hell." If George Bush had had a brain he would have vaporized Mecca on Sept 12th, 2001. That would have shut every fucking Muslim piece of shit up forever. They would have gone into a stunned shock they would have never recovered from. They would have probably all just died on the spot from the damage to their universe of shit. But of course George Bush is a pawn of the Saudis too. We all are. George Bush is always blathering about the need for dictatorships to become "democracies." Except for England and Saudi Arabia, which are both monarchies. They're fine. It's just all the other one-ruler countries that have to, I dunno, do whatever George Bush says for them to do. Meanwhile these two ruthless monstrosities of chicanery have America fighting all their wars for them for the past 100 years and are still at it. and the dumbass bureaucrats here get a ride in a golden limo and say "Ok, sure, we'll keep you two idiots alive. We'll kill every fighting American we can train to keep you two folks viable and in charge." And England and the Saudis wink at each other, buttfuck quickly, and order another ride in a golden limo for another boy-loving queer American Senator and queer-in-training American Congressman.


At December 21, 2008 at 10:44 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

you have divulged the secret of the universe. so now we will be forced to kill you. As we were forced to kill Princess Diana who was going to blab all the shit she knew about us Saudis. Fortunately the Queen of England hated Diana's arab boyfriend as much as we hated Diana. she also hated Diana as much as we hated Diana's boyfriend. We struck a deal. Queen elizabeth is a lot of things but a stickler for niceties is not one of them. I have lost my point.

At December 21, 2008 at 10:45 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

Pretty much.


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