Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Timothy Treadwell

Timothy Treadwell was the asshole-creep-sociopath who "lived" with grizzly bears in Alaska and who murdered a female he dragged along on his final bear bonding-session. It was a murder suicide. The woman did not know she was going to be murdered. The killings were done by a bear. The planning of the killing was done by Timothy Treadwell. Timothy's last name was originally Dexter. He was extremely effeminate. He would film himself having prancing, clenched-fists-at-the-hips impotent rages of silly fury at some invisible, non-present humans he would be raging-aloud at about some crime against the bears the invisible humans had supposedly committed. He was a dedicated, criminal-minded, blackhearted bastard and extremely dangerous. He singlehandedly, to this day, has put the lives of anyone who goes to this vicinity of Alaska in danger of bear attack since he spent a great deal of time and effort training the bears to not fear humans. This was no innocent nature lover. This was a cold calculating hater of humanity. Happily he is dead. Killed by a bear. He said often that he would love O MY GOD THAT WOULD BE JUSSTHT STHO GREAT to be killed by one of "his" grizzly bears. These were "his" bears, you know. He owned them. He was their protector. He was protecting grizzly bears by just being there and making them fearless of humans. He was protecting them by teaching them how to kill their enemy: humans. Unhappily he murdered an innocent victim in the process of him achieving his goal to be killed and eaten by a bear. A woman who had no idea he was planning suicide and murder-by-bear. When the bear shit-out his worthless body the turds should have been collected and set afire in a major motion picture studio, filmed with great care and effort by the best professionals and the film sent to the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, and PETA. Instead Werner Herezog - an extremely strange man - made a documentary of Dexter using Dexter's footage of Dexter mincing and fuming and being all concerned and being beside himself with frustration and being....well JUSTHT BAYAING A BAYAHR!!!! I.....THINK.....he bleached his hair. I'm not sure.


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