Monday, December 29, 2008

The Only Nigger I Can Stand

It's this guy here. He knows what he is. He don't try to cover it up. He don't try to soft-peddal it. He don't try to pretend he's something different than what he is. He ain't tryin' ta pretend he's white. He ain't tryin' to get you to like 'im. He ain't tryin' to hide that he's black. He ain't tryin' ta say we're all the same. That's for fuckin' sure. He ain't tryin' to say that he's Presidential material. He ain't tryin' ta say that he's a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Shinto, Hindu, Apache, Zoroastrian or Jew. Nope, what he's sayin' is he's a fuckin' voodoo savage, hangin'-from-the-branches, climbin'-up-the-walls, bayin'-at-the-moon, howlin'-mad, butt-ugly, huge-peckered, gonna try and bust your daughter's cherry, fuckin' swamp coon. Period. He lays it all right out there for you to see. And he's comfortable with it. And if you aint?.... he's sayin' "Fuck you, Massa Fuck." Presenting: My Favorite Nigger:


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