Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Cards and Men

I have never sent a Christmas card to a man. I have never RECEIVED a Christmas card from a man. If I ever DID receive a Christmas card from a man I would have to either blow HIS brains out or blow my OWN brains out. NO MAN has ever sent a Christmas card to another man. Except fags of course. They are not part of this discussion. No man has ever sent a Christmas card to another man. It is only women who do this. They make their husbands sign them. Which we do: why not, who gives a fuck. Now, I send Christmas cards to WOMEN. But not to be nice. But to let them know that I am sensitive and caring and maybe set them up for a free gander at their tits someday. Of course this never happens. But I can assure you that if a man sends a Christmas card to a female, that is the underlyiing motive. Not because it's fucking Christmas. Turns out that this whole Christmas BULLSHIT is generated by women. Not by men. We just don't give a fuck. Not about Christmas, not about Jesus, not about peace and fellowship and harmony and love. This is all women putting men up to this shit. And so we do it. It ain't THAT hard, and why make a fuss, no one else is. Save the fury for something a little more crucial, throw the chicks a bone on this one. Except this is a pretty big fucking bone we decided to toss. This is a fucking mastadon femur. We men are all douchebags. Even the ones that think they ain't. You are. We all are. This whole Christmas Nightmare is just us men admitting we are all douchebags. Now FAGS - who ironically enough are all atheists - they LOVE all this Christmas shit because, well, THEY'RE WOMEN. I guess women really do keep all the stores open. Too bad they don't have a little more class about where they shop. Be a lot less Targets and Walmarts.


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