Monday, April 9, 2018

today's catholicism

catholicism as preached and practiced today is basically a mix of islam and marxism. catholic "scholars" insist the islam is simply a heretical version of catholicism. the heretical parts probably have to do with the theological aspects since muslims have no problem with jesus they have a problem with you claiming that jesus is god. because god is allah. and as the koran says over and over god cannot have a son. muslims, being assholes, don't see this as a limitation on god. the christian god however can have a son  and could probably have a litter of kittens if he she or it wanted because they catholic god is omnipotent. the catholic religion, however has little to do with their human deity jesus, it is more concerned with dealing with you. In my christianity dealing with you was jesus' job and he did it because, ya know, he's a fucking deity. he does what he wants. so in my christianity jesus handled you, did shit for you to appease yahweh because Adam. the story is a simple one if you dont believe it, hey, there's people believe the earth is flat, obama is a genius, space-people exist here on earth, humans affect weather and that rain can be produced by dancing badly to even worse music on a mesa in new mexico. the islamic part of catholicism is the long list of rules and regulations and proclamations and decrees and lies twisted into the bible history which catholics are dissuaded from reading. the marxist part is the current war by the vatican against capitalism. like judas the catholic church proclaims concern about "the poor" which is defined as having less money than someone else has. when everyone on earth has the exact amount of spendable cash as everyone else, even if the amount is zero, then there will be no more poor and then the world will be proper, sanctified, at peace, and filled with love. i'm just the fucking messenger. 


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