Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Fucking Goddamn Pope

   This new pope is a real piece of unfumigated shit. The Jesuits have always been a bunch of wiseass
bookworms who are convinced that they are fountainheads of wisdom and insight. 99% of them are Marxist hacks. I don't know what the other one percent are. Probably boy fuckers like all the other priests.
   You would think that the dude elected Pope would be the guy who can give the best sermons and homilies about Jesus. Wouldnt you? Especially if the fucker is a Jesuit, right? I mean they're named after Jesus. They hardly ever talk about the dude. They talk about socialism. They ought to start a political party in the United States and join the Republicans and the Democrats and the Libertarians and all the other socialist parties we gut infesting the fucking Country.
   While all Popes go on and on about the poor, even though Jesus basically dismissed them from the discussion altogether when Judas brought them up, this Pope in particular has a boner for the fuckers. Not only that he want people who ain't poor to feel guilty about it. He has the imagination of a college freshman: he's interested in the same things: Marxism, the environment, global warming, about the only thing he ain't latched onto yet is atheism. However he is knocking at the door with his loving kindnesses toward fags. Most priests - being fags themselves - should be particularly relieved to know the boss actually likes them.
   Being Pope, like being Christian, is all about what you reading this are doing and whether its permitted in the eyes of God. Popes and Christians all seem to know what God wants you to do and makes sure you hear about it. When God gives these instructions to these people they never explain. You would think that would be an interesting topic in itself. It never is, though. I guess when you are on speaking terms with Yahweh and Jesus that you just take it for granted.


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