Monday, December 14, 2009

Typical Nigger

One of the Yahoo "features" is a clip of a Niggerball player named Blebon or Neblulon or Buvan or Lebron James jacking some french fries from a white kid in the audience. He just sticks his sweaty, testicle-hacking, saliva-smeared hand into the kid's food. Normal. It's normal behavior for niggers. Don't mean nuthin'. It's cool. Like the nigger that took the mike from that white singer in the middle of her acceptance speech and just took over. Pretty soon the niggers will start raping white women in the stands at Niggerball and raping the white entertainers at the podium. The white man will laugh and say It's all good. Because to a nigger or a wigger everything IS all good. Murder, rape, burglary, theft, lying, picking your ass and then sticking your hand into a white kid's fries. It's all good. And the KID had no problem with it either. Kleebulon James coulda stuck his fucking dick in there and the kid woulda laughed. Cause niggers can do what they want. We gave them an inch. And they took the whole football field, the stadium, and all the cars in the parking lot. And who would stop them. They're niggers. They've suffered enough. We owe them. It's their due. God bless Black America: soon to be changed by executive order of the Kenyan-in-Chief to it's original African name of Gubummba Boowimbee. Butumbi bless Gubummba Boowimbee. Ahmen.


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