Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Teenage White Niggers

I was at the mall today and some teen ager asked me if i could "spare some change." White kid. Nuthin' wrong with him. I said "For what." This kinda threw him and he went back to his three white buddies and they weren't too happy with him. I guess this is the new phase of white kids wanting to be niggers: muggings. Being white they had it all wrong. This wasn't even close to a muggiing. Just for ONE there were three trillion people in the immediate vicinity. But there is a chance that these guys that put the smallest one up to this simply figured that the nigger president was giving money to everyone maybe everyone acted like this. Guess I can't blame 'em none. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA It wasn't all bad news at the mall. While my Ol' Lady was in some store I hung around outside, looking over the rail and some hot milf was at the rail with her stuff on the floor and adjusting things inside the bags. I went over and said "My penis asked me to come over here and find out your name." Turns out her name was Fuck You. Chinese chick.


At December 9, 2009 at 12:55 AM , Blogger nobody said...

"FOR WHAT" hahahahahahahahaha. I would have punched the kid in the throat and I'm not joking..

At December 9, 2009 at 9:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have tripped the little shit with one of my crutches.


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