Thursday, December 3, 2009

Africanisatan Chieftain President Ruler King Mullah Imam Pope Dictator Yabbadabba

This is Hamid Babbid Daddid Habib Habib. He's the "president" of Africanistan. He has piped up to say no don't send the Marines into the mountains to kill Bin Laden I can talk to the Taliban to make peace. He looks reputable, don't he? He looks like Yassir Arafat's cocksucking twin. Say Marines to the Arabs and they get VERY scared because the Marines are still extremely pissed about that incident in Palestine where they all got blown up. We can thank Reagan for that little fuckup. None of these bureaucrats have a clear bead on Muslims I have noticed. The real reason this weasel doesn't want the Marines in the mountains is because the Nuclear trap ain't set yet. You heard it here first. Obowma hates the Marines. He's going to try and get them all at once. This nigger is one ongoing major problem. He's got three more years to go. He'll have everyone by the balls in that time. He's already got eveyone with any brains running around like mental patients trying to warn everyone. Won't do any good. Trust me.


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