Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Roads

Whenever someone asks me "Well, Mr. Cranky, what form of government do YOU advocate, you're so goddamn smart" I always say "None." This NEVER goes down well. Ever. There's always, well there'll be chaos and mayhem, and I say no there won't, everyone in America is armed and the white people actually know how to shoot so there wouldn't be much chaos, but if there was, if that's the way everyone wanted it, only white people would be left, and they know how to more or less get along. Except for the 1% that would be assholes. They wouldn't last long." The next thing usually said, if they're still there, is "But who would build the roads!!!!" Like we gut someone doing a great job of that now. However the snowstorm yesterday on "the grapevine," a 4700 foot El. pass between Los Angeles and the San Joaquin Valley brought pretty much home to anyone with eyes - which is nobody - that a fucking masturbating cat could handle the highway system better than the State of California can. The drivers in a fifteen miles, four lanes wide, clog of vehicles were forced by the State Police to remain in their vehicles for 16 hours during a snowstorm, thank you, while yours sincerely, "we-the-police," however, will travel up and down the hills in the median and come and go and stop to shit and piss and go back to the station and eat donuts and make sure all you bastards who are paying our salaries and who paid for this road will fucking suffer and hopefully die of freezing. Yeah, it would be a shame if road-building and road maintenance was in the hands of a road owner instead of a road imbecile bureaucrat. Who I guess at the moment would be a pussywhipped, botoxed, skin-pulled German fag who still can't pronounce kaleefoneeah.


At December 10, 2009 at 9:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My form of government would be one that takes care of their own citizens before others. Not one that will repair infrastructure after bombing the hell of that nation but instead will repair their own and the hell with others and especially those that they have destroyed. One that will provide for the majority of the homeless and seniors before some tribe in Onigger land. And finally one that returns illegals to where they came from and require them to gain citizenship the legal way.

Thats my form of government and I'm sure I'll not see it during my lifetime.

At December 10, 2009 at 11:19 PM , Blogger nobody said...

Mr. Cranky?hahahahahahahahaha


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