Thursday, June 25, 2009

Reports Of Rope Burns On Jackson's Neck And Testicles Called "Skin Condition" By Spokeman

A spokesman for Michael Jackson who requested anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the anonymous report declared that the rope burns on Jackson's neck and testicles were not rope burns but a rare skin condition called impetigo vitiligo whereveryougoigo which changes normal white skin that has been bleached from its original negroid color into marks that look like autoeroticasphyxiation burns caused by a naked man trying to achieve orgasm by cutting the blood and air supply from his brain and the sperm supply from his cock resulting in orgasm or death or both or neither but rather just coma and castration. "People often mistake this common skin condition for an aberrated psychosexual disorder," the spokesman said. "Especially when it occurs to people who have been on trial for child molestation, which is also another form of skin disorder."


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