Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Deweaseling

I was kicked out of the Weasels. The Weasels is a social organization of Harley riders that prides itself on not having rules and not being sober. I managed to break a few too many of the rules they do not have. So I was kicked out. I think the main reason was that I said nigger too much. White people, even wild and wooly, out of control, hard drinkin', hard ridin', hard arteried Weasels, cannot and will not tolerate another white person saying nigger. One of the Weasels, a woman who kept sending pictures of her tits and ass to the Weasel site, and was hated by all the other wild and wooly hard ridin' hard livin' astoundingly insecure Weasel gals, gave me an award for being kicked out of a wild and wooly group for being too wild and wooly. She had it made personally. She might have actually done it herself, she does everything else herself. It's the only award I have ever been given. I have researched awards and the Deweaseled Award seems to be the only award that is actually worth getting.


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