Thursday, March 26, 2009

Niggers And Pitbulls

The American Nigger will eventually be responsible for the eradication of the American Pitbull. Pitbulls are already routinely seized and killed by the State. This is because niggers like to aquire pitbulls and then set them loose upon the neighborhood. It's just another thing niggers do. Because they wreck everything. And niggers never police niggers. I mean it's not as though one nigger is ever gonna say to another nigger, "Hey, you shouldn't be releasing pitbulls all over town." It's against the nigger code for a nigger to inform another nigger what's right and what's wrong. Just like cops never police cops. Another example of cop and nigger similarity. So if you like pitbulls, think about having yours stuffed. Because if you have a live one, a cop is gonna come by and take it and kill it, eventually. Thanks to niggers.


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