Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obammy's Mammy

The only reaason this is here is becauase I just wanted to write "Obammy's Mammy." But whatdafuck, here's a picture of her. She had a PhD in anthropolgy. That's the study of primitive man. She was so into it, she married one. He's the nearly maroon-looking object standing next to the white woman. These two critters created the current President of the United States. Makes you realize real quick that you don't really NEED a President of the United States if that Bundolo on the left can create one just by fuckin' a white woman. It makes you see pretty clear that a President of the US probly ain't all that important. That in fact maybe he's just some guy that takes everyone's property in the name of necessity. Which is what ALL niggers do anyway. It could be that politics is a job designed especially FOR niggers and that we should have niggers-only as congressmen and senators and bureaucrats. They're born-ready to steal.


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