White Guilt Explained
White Guilt is what prompts many white people to adopt niggers as pets. Obama is basically an adopted pet. He was elected by white people. Every nigger in America voted for him, sure, and more than once, but there aren't enough niggers to outvote whites; and Mexicans - probably the actual majority in the US - don't vote. They can't be bothered. Who could blame them. They know it's a joke. They come from Mexico and Central America for christ sake. They know what government really is. It's a con. They know that. Just ask one. I ain't lyin'. The Mexicans will all back me up on this. So the new nigger was voted into office by white people. It was like they were absolving themselves of the guilt they accepted that was put on them by journalists. Journalists are basically wise-ass literature majors. People who are not journalists revere them. Why? Even the journalists don't know why but they ain't havin' a problem with it. I, J.J. Solari, am not a Journalist. I have no degrees from anywhere in anything. But I am a better writer than any journalist I ever read. I know it and they know it. But that don't mean I am a good writer. I'm just a better writer than a bonifide journalist. Because there is not a journalist in the english language who can write beyond the grocery-list level. And then they'd lie about THAT. They'd put oranges on it when they really needed butter. Just to be lying. No journailst will ever take me on in print. And certainly not in an alley because jouranlists are all afraid of EVERYTHING. They all have confrontation issues. There ain't many Italian journalists, I don't know if you've noticed. Italians do not have confrontational issues. Avoiding a yelling match just ain't in 'em. Where was I. so while journalists have confrontational issues they do like to cause fights and chaos among others. Which is easy for them because everyone thinks journalists are, I don't know, seers. Wise men. Journalists know this and take full advantage of it. I can't say I blame 'em, if nobody can see that you are clearly an idiot you might as well take advantage of their stupidity: you must be smarter then THEM! HAHAHA. So white people are convinced that they are supposed to like niggers. Even though they don't. And niggers know this. a nigger talking to a white person always immediately knows if the white person hates niggers, no matter how much the white person pretends he don't. Niggers have hate radar. You can't fool the fuckers here. So the more white people bow down to niggers the more contempt the niggers have for them. Who wouldn't. so that's why today, now that he's president, the new higger, every time he sees a white person he hates them more than ever. Because he knows they voted him into office because he's a nigger. Crazy, ain't it? It sure is. All over the place. And the ride's just starting, folks.
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