Friday, February 27, 2009

The New Orleans Niggers

The National guard is leaving New Orleans. 3 and a half years after the hurricane moved all the shit that was layin' around the streets and moved it to DIFFERENT LOCATIONS, the armed forces of America are leaving the city and the residents are not happy about it. Only the military apparently can keep order in niggerworld. And American niggers aint even Muslims! HAHA,. they don't need orders from Allah to create chaos and misery and messes and murder and the beating of women and stealing everything in sight. American niggers just come by it naturally. New Orleans for the past 3 and a half years has been an occupied country, just like Iraq, with American troops keeping the crime and death to a minumum. Now they're leaving because Louisianna is broke, like every other government agency in America and the niggers without guns are scared to death that the niggers with guns are going to massacre them, like the Hutu vs. the Tutsirolls, which is what the niggers do when left alone. They kill each other. Like Sunnis and Shiites. They do it in Africa and they do it here. Becuse they can't be civilized. It has no meaning for them. It does not compute. They have absolutely no conception of how things SHOULD be, so things just sort of stay at Savagery Level. It's all they know. Niggers are immune to domestication. How come everyone insists that this is not the case? Even the niggers will admit that I know exactly what I'm talking about. "You right, bro, we fucked up." But the fucking whites, on the other hand, they tell me, "Now now, let's not throw hate and bigotry and intolerance and racist rhetoric into this discussion." Yeah, ok, let's throw fairy tales into it. That will fix things. Hey, works for bureaucrats.


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