Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Australian Fires

These fires look totally bizarre and weird and beyond comprehension to me but apparently not to any newspeople. Not one fucking thing makes any sense about these fires. And not one reporter has a fucking word to say about how weird it all is. There is nothing more USELESS than news reporting. You learn nothing. You just become totally confused. It's like hearing reports from people who have no eyes, no ears, no thought processes in their heads, no observational powers....they just REPORT. Who the fuck NEEDS that. We don't need a fucking report. We can see the fucking mess. We need to hear some ideas. You will NEVER get an idea or an opinion out of a newsman. Anyway the fires seem like pretty Twilight Zonie fires to me. They melted metal. Turned it into liquid. Not one explanation from a newsfuck. People were burned up IN THEIR CARS WHILE FLEEING. Not one mention on how the fuck this can happen. Overhead pictures show buildings burned to powder surrounded by nice lush happy green trees, all shady and calm and serene. It was like either all the structures were made out of GASOLINE or else someone was hurling firebombs at them. I did manage to learn that the government and global warming and the policies of George Bush for the past eight years are to blame. The imbecile who rules Australia he made a speech. It went like this. He had his head down and was all ya know real morose and sad. Supposedly. I guess his house burned too. He said - and just insert a ten second space of time in between each word, would you please?....cause that's what hedid."Fire....is....tragic....and... hot....and... relentless...and... merciless...and... sometimes..... orange..... Nobody....likes.....fire.....It.....destroys.....homes..... and...lives......and....friends...and.....relatives....and.....pets.....and.... bits of wood.... sometimes toilet paper....." I mean it was fucking idiotic. We all know what the fuck fire is, monkeybrains. And he went on for ten minutes describing fire. Fucking piece of shit idiot bureaucrat.


At February 10, 2009 at 1:40 PM , Blogger nobody said...

Frankenstein monster said "Fire Bad"

At February 10, 2009 at 10:11 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

frankensteins monstger was right!


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