Thursday, January 22, 2009

Iniggeration Day

Somebody asked Dennis where they could get good photos of the Inauguration Parade and Dennis suggested National Geographic. Which I thought was rude. But it did make me wonder what all the niggers are gonna do when they are stopped during a shoplifting entertainment and say "YOO JUFFS STAWPIN ME CUZ I BLEK!! " I mean they gut a nigger in the white house now. This ploy is now pretty much dead in the water, ain't it? I mean, I would THINK that the arresting employee would just say "Fuck you, there's a nigger President of the United States, that nigger-oppression card don't work no more." Within about three months i would say the nigger population is gonna insist that Our New Nigger resign. "He juffs naw goo fa bidnih." Hee hee.


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