Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why People REALLY Hate Jews

Ok, sit down. You ain't gonna get this anywhere else, so count your fuckin' blessings. The REAL reason everyone hates Jews is because the Jews don't believe in an afterlife. Everyone else on earth cannot STAND this. Sure, everyone says the real reason they don't like them is they stink and they fuck kids and they killed Jesus and you can't trust 'em with shit and their kitchens smell like they're cooking their own dead in 'em and they steal from the poor and they have no loyalty to anything but Jews and they are one step below gypsies in foulness and they fuck everyone in court and they'd sell their own children to Nazis for another day's free rent and they never lift a finger to help themselves but tell eveeryone else they have to pay the Jews back for being roll-over cowards in WW2 and they never keep their word and they have the ethics of monkeys in cages and they blame everyone else for their problems and they never show any gratitude for anyone helping them and they think the world should feel sorry for them because they refuse to help themselves and they butt in line and they drool when they talk and when they eat you want to throw up watching them and their lips are always wet and they...did I say stink? But everyone else does most ofl this stuff too to one extent or the other but the REAL reason everyone hates the fuckers is because they just believe in life in the here and now here on earth, that's it, the end, no heaven, no hell, no limbo, no purgatory, no three wishes, no fairies, no pie in the sky bye and bye when you die, no nothing. Everyone else on earth puts a whole lotta emotional investment in living their lives to get a big payoff in the graveyard. Not the Jews. They just try to do the best they can in this life to amount to something. People hate this. They detest it. It's like just as though this is about the most heinous thing you can do, not believe in an afterlife and just living this life as though it's the only one you're gonna get. This just drives people nuts. It drives them into a fucking fury. It's like it ain't fair!...We've worked too hard to get to heaven! We've worked too hard to avoid hell!! They have to exist! Fuck these Jews! We have to believe this shit, SO THE JEWS HAVE TO TOO!!. And if they won't?...we fuckin' kill 'em!!! HAHAHA!! YEAH!!! So the real problem we all have with the fucking goddamn Jew bastards is that they just ain't sweatin' death. They're just living here on earth. They don't give a shit about the hereafter. People cannot have that. And that's the real reason. SO: let us review; people hate Jews because they ain't insane reetard mental patient loser believers in fairystories about a zombie existence after death..


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