Tuesday, January 20, 2009


White Anglo Saxon Wasps seem to be the only people on earth who are totally indifferent to the fact that people might - somewhere - hate them. White people are immune to bigotry against them. They just don't care. It ain't an issue with white people if they are not given "an equal chance." White people came up with the whole "equality" crap to begin with. If it comes to the day that it starts workin' against them they'll just start something else. The world FOLLOWS the White Man. And if the time comes that everyone catches up and starts pushing the White Man aside, the White Man will just say oh, ok, and go off somewhere else and starts something new. White People do not NEED niggers or Indians or Mexicans or Orientals or fucking "Asians" or whatever the fuck chinks are calling themselves these days, White People don't need fucking Eskimoes or Uzbeks or Armenians or Persians or really even Jews, really. We just don't need you people. You people need us. So hate us. We don't care. So, um, FUCK you. Thank you.


At January 27, 2009 at 11:48 AM , Blogger Donnie Pizza said...

Dude aren't you Italian. That's pretty far from Anglo. I'm a goddammed Sicilian. I can play basketball, dance, and feel comfortable with a spear like object in my hand. Other Italians call me an African. All of the Italians that I know, be it American or offdaboat use the word Anglo to describe "white" people. Your fucking confusing me man. Do you have any grape soda?


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