Monday, January 5, 2009

The Alternate Obama Possibility

As you people who never read this know, I have proclaimed that Obama will immediately set to work ushering in the Marxist/Islamic State of America. I am basing this on the assumption that he has an actual idiology he believes in. However I seem to have overlooked one little item: niggers in office never do ANYTHING. In fact niggers anywhere are extremely undependable. They also ain't real good with criticism. In a very short time he is gonna have even his most devoted followers thinking to themselves "Holy shit, he's as nigger as every other nigger: a completely lost fucking total confused mess." And if any of his staff know any of the things EYE know about niggers, they can control him in two seconds.You can have a nigger in tears of helplessness real easy. They have a lot of issues about being niggers. I could teach them to you. But I won't. We gut enough problems on this planet without me training more troublemakers. A lot of these issues niggers have are legitimate. A lot of them are not true but the niggers believe them. They are niggers after all: dey be almose as gulldebul az de white peepul. Heh heh Where was I. So it is very possible Obama will be a Normal Nigger in office: which will be, he'll sit on the golf course eating watermelon and trying to be white by being on the golf course but actually being nigger and just eating watermelon and just never actually "showing up for work." For some reason it never occured to me that Obama was just some nigger Somebody Else selected to win an election. This COULD be the case. I'm still betting he's gonna Muslimize the country. On the other hand it could turn out that he just never gets around to it because he's a nigger and will just keep putting it off. HAHAHAHAHAHA.


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