Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Republicans

The Republicans, I think everyone will agree, are pretty much over as a political party. I know Rush Limpdick thinks they're Just Real Super but he's the only one. But, ya know, he has his "guy friends" in that party and as you know he is all man and watches football and smokes cigars and is just all manly and macho. Oh, and he golfs. Very macho, golf. Not at all gay. Not a fag game at all. So Rush has to more or less stay with his peeps. As I believe the white niggers now say. When the second major political party in America gets trounced by a Communist Party that runs a candidate who is not only pro Muslim but is also a halfbreed mulatto're pretty much done. Not that the Republicans will be missed. Why have just a Socialist Party when you can have a Communist Party who will distribute the wealth better and quicker and more thoroughly and at the same time disarm the citizenry in order to create a dictatorship? With the Republicnas this could have taken another 20 years. the New Nigger should get the job done - assuming niggers CAN get a job done - in 20 minutes. I got a letter from the local Republican headquarters around here asking me for money. In the letter asking me for money they apologized for the Republican Party being as fucked up as it is and they said it didn't look real likely that it is fixable. But they still wanted money. I ain't sending them any but I sort of admired their honesty. They as much as came right out and said "Basically we're panhandling. We gut nothing to offer. We just want money. Otherwise we'll have to actually Do something. And we have absolutely no idea how to do anything. Which is why we involve ourselves with government." HAHAHA. I told them to go fuck themselves. Even though they are already fucked. I guess we all are. HAHAHAHAHA


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