Monday, December 15, 2008

Two Headed chick

Dennis was telling me about a two headed chick on tv. Like I care. Then he sent a picture. She's white. I freaked. I thought this only happened to niggers. I can't put pictures here so here's a site with a bunch of 'em. Where was I. Oh yeah, so she's white. Or they're white. Or it's white. So anyway I was astounded because you always see only niggers all fucked up like that. Like, on tv and in the circus. But these were two normal white chicks. Well, abnormal normal white chicks. I didn't quite know how to react to this theologically. Cause before I figured God just didn't like niggers. So he gave some of em two heads. To ya know, make em twice as fucked up. Ok, no problem for me, I'm white. Or Italian. Are they white people? Klan says no, but I think they are. But then I see these or this chick and i go holy fuck, God hates white people too. I didn't know whether to be pissed off at God or kiss His ass ta stay on His good side. It's fucked up, no doubt about it. Anyway I'm dyin' ta meet these or this woman becuse I gut a million questions that I know NOBODY is ever gonna ask them. Except me. You're probably wondering if I'll ask the questions here. Yes: just in case this or these individuals are passin' through and spot 'em on the blog here, maybe they'll post the answers. The answers to the REAL questions everyone is curious abut. Some of which are: When you masturbate does one of you have to kind of pretend they're not there? Do neither one of you get to masturbate because the other one would be right there and know what you're up to? When one of you shits, how do you both know which one actually did it? I mean, for instance, if you on the left shits, does you on the right ever wipe? Do you get into arguments about who shit and therefore who should be wiping? "Hey, YOU'RE the one who fucking SHIT! EYE ain't gonna wipe your fucking ass for you!....Yeah, well it's YOUR ASS TOO, STUPID!!." Ya know, stuff like that? When one of you is getting laid, does the other one have fun too? Does the dude feel like he's in a threesome? Ain't that illegal in some States? What if you both have two guys that each of you is doing: is that like havin' 4 boyfriends? Guys GOTTA be anxious to fuck either one of you, right? Cause it's like havin' a chick on the side. What if the head on the left is goin with Jack and the head on the right is goin' with Bob; how does the head on the right know for sure when she's bein' fucked by Bob that he ain't really fuckin' the other one? You two ever get jealous? I mean, Bob's lookin' at one chick's tits and pussy but he's also lookin' at the other one's too, right? Bob's gotta be fuckin' lovin' THIS little swah-ray, huh? And don't their cheeks get chaffed with all the fucking constant skin contact? How come the jowels of the both of them ain't been shredded off to where you can see their fucking teeth? And don't they whack their heads together all the time? Shit, me and my Ol' Lady are clunkin' noggins together more than we ain't. And we ain't even sewn together like velvet hearts onto a gay party dress. Ain't they in constant need of Advil from all the fucking head-whacks? Their skulls GOTTA be about ready to disintegrate altogether by now, ain't they? And what about when some rockin' song comes on and they both start movin' and groovin' and shakin' their shared booty and their heads are flyin' all around like drunken teens at the Free Drinks party, don't they just both go crashin' to the floor three seconds into the song from severe concussion and head trauma? I mean, one head's flyin' left and the othr head's flyin' right and CLANK!!!....down she fucking goes again. And does one of them ever get the secret urge to fucking saw the other head off just for a fucking little bit of privacy? And what if one of them fucking shoots someone, the other one has to go to jail too. And what if one of them goes on a fucking murderous crime spree? And gets the death penalty? Holy shit!! Have they ever done a movie about a two headed fucker? I smell comedy here from a mile away. And what if one of them is all real holy and shit and the other one is a total libertine and she's blowin' some dude, what's the other one supposed to do, look away? How the fuck does she do THAT? And what if the dude want's his dick in the other one's mouth too? How's she gonna stop him? Bite the fucker's dick? What if he belts her? I mean, this has gotta be just one ongoing nightmare trainload of problems after another. Can you imagine the demand if they became a prostitute? They could charge a premium NOBODY would argue with in principle. How fun would that be getting a blowjob from a two headed chick? It would haffta be a total jizz-inducer. I'm fucking leaking preelube just thinkin' about it.


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