Monday, November 10, 2008

The new White House

Somebody sent me a picture of the "new" White House after Obama and his Mau Mau Marxist brothers move in. There was, ya know, cars on the fuckin lawn and clothes hanging from a rope clothesline and garbage cans all over the place and niggers sittin up against the axles of the abandoned vehicles. The picture was funny but not exactly accurate. For instance the American flag was still flyin' from the roof: there were no minarets on the structure with some screeching Muslim prick singing hell songs to Allah The Boy-Fucker and Mojewmad, his Heeb inventor and calling people to Fucking Prayer 5 times a day but never to the shower.


At November 12, 2008 at 1:30 AM , Blogger jj solari said...

I am upset that you say that Islam was started by a Jew. In fact EVERYTHING you say upsets me. But this in particular.


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