Monday, November 19, 2012

The Word Nigger

   Nigger. Just saying it makes you laugh. But a lot of people - usually white - pretend - in public at least - to find nigger not funny. "Why are you saying that?" "Saying what." "You know, what you said." "You mean nigger?" "Don't say that. It's not nice." "It's nicer than actual niggers." Then it usually gets very agitated and heated, if you say that, if you add phosphorous to the gasoline flames.
   The Klan has been advocating for years sending the niggers back to Africa. But I think if the offer was made to send the American white people to Africa instead that we would take it at this point. A new start for American whites with new niggers who don't pretend to be anything other than what they are, veldt animals looking to take someone else's shit and scamper off with it. I think American whites would find dealing with plains niggers easier to keep in line without the niggers getting help from Washington than we are finding dealing with them here where we have to bring them into our neighborhoods so that they can ruin everything.
   There is a saying among awake white people "niggers ruin everything." This is true. They never make things better. When they move into a white neighborhood you never see a garden being constructed, flowers being planted, the Lady Nigger going about in the early morning sunlight, up with the tweetering birds to go from blossoming plant to blossoming plant with her watering can in her gingham dress. You never see niggers at the Rose Parade unless it's to steal cars and pick pockets and perform frottage on white 12 year olds. And the sex of the 12 year old don't matter, as long as he or she is white. Niggers just don't "get" flowers, plants, gardening, and afternoon tea. Whites and chinks and nips and slopes and gooks and flippers...we all get it: gardens are bitchin', plants are cool, flowers are fun and relaxing and cause you to contemplate creation and existence. But niggers are not a contemplative people. They are a bewildered and riotous people. They are like Muslims without a book to guide them into systematic slaughter and depravity. They are Mohammedless Al Qaida. They are niggers. If they weren't no one would get upset at you calling them niggers. They would just ignore you, same as people would ignore you if you called drunken bums in the park "cantaloupes." "So I went through the park yesterday and it was overrun with smelly cantaloupes." No one would get upset with that. They would just scratch their heads and carry on with their shit.
   "So I went through the park yesterday and it was overrun with smelly niggers."
   Whole different story, you say that. Whole different story.


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