Sunday, September 2, 2012

Turning A Corner Toward True Tyranny

   This is the first time in American history half the population actually fears the President and most of the government he has appointed. Having been alive in WW2 I am feeling the same vibe in America that trotted throughout Europe when Hitler decided Europe and everyone in it was his property. America was the envy of the entire globe of nations as the one country with hot and cold running water and universal electricity where this vibe and feeling was not only not present it was laughed at by Americans as the remnants of the Dark Ages from which America had burst free to the amazement and envy of the world. But you know what?.....that European feeling of dread of the government and a solitary maniac operating it is now the norm in America. And I don't know if once a nation enters into that social cesspool of universal dread of the government that it ever can extricate itself again short of sailing to a new world.


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