Thursday, April 12, 2012

Chevy Chase And Community

Chevy Chase is on the verge of being thrown off Community because he is feuding with the "creator" of the show and insisting that the show isnt funny. And he's right, of course. It's gayer than five maypoles dangling from Rupaul's ass; something he likely would not have a problem with. In fact if he reads this he will likely contact me and ask if I have ever seen this happen and how does one go about the insertions. I have totally lost my place. And who wouldn't. So Chevy Chase is actually right. Community is now a surreal exercise in a negro and a strange man who looks like something that fell out of jar jar bink's uterus saying silly things to each other at hight speed and being basically GAY. Which is fine but in that case get rid of the community college premise. You see when the show started it actually had a premise: community colleges are worthless; and a genius attorney get disbarred and he has to go to a shitty college to get a bogus certification in order to become a licensed lawyer again. or something like that. so no one knows he's a genius lawyer and is smarter than anyone else in school. And thus he basically controls the school even though no one realizes it and he solves all the problems of all the students to their amazement and to the despair of the school administration. This premise was discarded early on and became a showcase for wackily idiosyncratic actors. It's now just basically a high school vanity production that has no actual comedy or storylines in it. Chevy Chase is very likely having some trouble participating in this sillyness because he wants to make people laugh: not jack each other off in leather bars while watching the show and admiring all the gayness. So Chevy Chase is right. PLUS he can play the piano and the other people can't.


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