Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Nigger So Far

Now that i am off Facebook again - I have one chance remaining. In three days. That means in three days someone can complain to Facebook about me hurting their feelings by saying nigger - that's usually the word that gets whitey riled up - that means in thre days, whether or not i ever go back onto Facebook someone can inform Facebook that they are mad at me and Facebook - like an employer - will listen to everyone except the accused and the fire the accused. Think of Facebook as a JOB. A job that you dont get paid at. If you think of Facebook in this way you wont CARE if you get kicked off. Plus you dont have to look at Facebook ads anymore or hear third hand how Facebook informed all your "friends" that you "like" something you actually dont like at all. And now about the nigger: I am fairly at ease in thinking the Kenyan commie muslim faggot will be beaten by Romney in the election. Which means that this blog - like the recently departed Kinkade blog - will have no more entires. Having been kicked off of Facebook I will now simply put all the things I would have said on Facebook into one posting here, from day to day. Just for the hell of it. Unless I actually get a life. Then I will not be on the internet at all. Since it creates more enemies than it does friends. Most of these enemies being in law enforcement. As to why I am sure the nigger will lose the election? for one thing he is not running against McCain. Who is almost more commie than Obama. He will not be running against a fellow democrat in other words. He will be running against a more or less sane republican. I say sane because clearly McCain is completely nuts. And I mean that in the clinical sense, not in the name-calling sense. He probably actually does put his head up his ass, he physically grabs ahold of it and wrenches it up and into his anal canal. He is that level of fucked up. For another thing Obama is now a known quantity among the rather dull witted "americans" who thought Obama was some sort of magical negro man of wisdom from Uncle Remus's Wisdom Garden. Whereas now they know that he is a muslim communist illegal lying piece of black panther white hating shit. With no sense of honesty and a fervor to destroy Christian America, the first and last Christian nation on earth. Third, he can see that white people are not afraid of niggers calling them racists anymore. Because white people are slowly starting to realize that niggers are going to call them racists no matter what they do. Which is why I go out of my way to say nigger a LOT. just to prove my point: I will be just as chastised for even accidentally saying nigger ONCE: might as well say it a million times on purpose, make the abuse worth something to myself. "Why are you being pilloried, Jay?" "I accidentally said nigger once as a joke in private." "Why are you being pilloried, Jay?" "I said nigger ten trillion times on purpose on a global venue in public." Which one do you thinnk makes it almost worthwhile, the first response?....or the second. That's correct, the second one.
Santorum threw in the towel today with a measured, orated, dramatically-paused announcement that sounded like pompous
gasbag gas. Meanwhile Obama's speech cadences are revealing more and more nervousness. He used to be able to lie with determination and wrath. Now he is lying with smiles and curtsies and little giggles. He's scared. He's BEEN scared since childhood of course but now his fear is leaking to the surface. He has always been able to deny it to himself before now. He probably still can do that except the fear isn't paying attention and is now visible on his outer surface of shitness. he is crying loudly that the rich need to be taxed. niggers always think that someone else's stuff is actually their stuff. They are born thieves. Like Arabs and Mexicans. So he is shouting about his enthusiasm to take rich people's money and property. In truth he will take ANYONE'S money and stuff. He just limits his announcement to raiding the rich so the non rich will support him in that since a democracy needs numbers, the cooperation of the mindless masses to operate "properly."


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